Travel Magazine

Living and Learning

By Travelspot06 @travelspot06
As you know, I have an interesting relationship situation. Let me quickly remind you, in case you forgot. 
Boy from MA. Girl from CA. Meet while working together in New Orleans. The situation is interesting, as in, neither are "in their element". Living out of a hotel does not give you a very good chance of learning who someone is completely (aka. are they messy? are they a hoarder? do they make their bed/wash their dishes/clean their toilet?) And yes, this matters.
2 months later Girl goes to South America for a year of travel. You would think this would be the end, but it's not. They keep in touch. Boy comes to visit a few times. When girl comes home, she goes to work in Iowa. Boy is still in New Orleans. They try to see each other when they can, which is usually once a month, in a city in the middle, where they are tourists, living in a hotel (aka. not real life). 
After several months of this, Girl gets a job in New Orleans again. For about a year, they both live in the same city. Sometimes in a hotel, sometimes in an apartment, but still, it is a temporary thing. After this, Boy and Girl decide to travel the world for a year, once again living in hostels, hotels, campervans and even a tent (that was an interesting situation). 
Boy and Girl get back home from traveling and go to their separate corners, him to MA, her to CA, where they have been ever since. They see each other every couple of months. 
BUT NOW: Boy and Girl are both in CA. Living together. In a house. Once again, it's temporary. It's strange to be together for more than a couple of days, and for more than once a month or once every couple of months. 
We are very different, but so far are making it work. How are we different? 
- He is not a good sleeper. I sleep like the dead.  - He doesn't care where things are placed. I am a type A organizational freak.  - He is spontaneous. I am a planner. - He would rather pay for dinner out than cook and clean up. I let him. :) - He splurges. I am frugal.  - He is always hot. I am always cold.  - He likes beer. I like water. 
We are also the same in many ways. 
- We both prefer savory over sweet.  - We love taking after dinner walks. - We both love photography.  - We like looking at houses for sale even though we can't afford them. - We both love exploring new places.  - Food is important to both of us. 
I know that even though we have been together for almost 5 years, we still have a lot to learn about each other, not only the little things, like what is someone's favorite cake flavor, but also bigger things. We haven't really had the chance to go over all of our life goals, since we are always on the move. We are not going to figure it all out here either. We still have a ways to go, but I am looking forward to it! 
Have you ever had a long distance relationship? Would you rather pay for dinner out or cook it and clean it up yourself? 
** also, I have a guest post up over at Her Sunday today! Go check it out when you get a chance!**

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