Last Updated on 26 July, 2022
Live a Live Prehistoric Crafting Recipes – Bone, Beast Horn, Beast Fang, Stone Knife, Pelt, Stick, Leather Strap, Dried Skin
Live a Live Prehistoric Crafting Recipes – Bone
These are all recipes that require bone as an ingredient:
- Bone + Beast Horn = Rough Bands: DEF +2, Speed +2, Special DEF +3
- Bone + Beast Fang = Pretty Flower: DEF +1, Special ATK +8, Special DEF +4
- Bone + Pelt = Beastskin Cap: DEF +3, Speed +10
- Bone + Stick = Horn Spear : ATK +14, Speed +6
- Bone + Dried Skins = Thump Drum: Special ATK +12
- Bone + Stone Knife = Quick Spear: ATK +25, Speed +10
- Bone + Hard Rock = Stone Knife
- Bone + Leather Strap = Angry Bone: ATK +22
Live a Live Prehistoric Crafting Recipes – Beast Parts
Beast Horn Recipes
These are all recipes that require beast horn as an ingredient:
- Beast Horn + Bone = Rough Bands: DEF +2, Speed +2, Special DEF +3
- Beast Horn + Stone Knife = Loin Guard: DEF +6, Physical DEF +6, Special DEF +10
- Beast Horn + Pelt = Beastskin Cap: DEF +3, Speed +10
- Beast Horn + Stick = Horn Spear : ATK +14, Speed +6
- Beast Horn + Leather Strap = Loin Guard: DEF +6, Physical DEF +6, Special DEF +10
- Beast Horn + Beast Fang = Pretty Flower: DEF +1, Special ATK +8, Special DEF +4
- Beast Horn + Hard Rock = Strong Axe: ATK +10, Physical ATK +10
- Beast Horn + Dried Skin = Laughing Mask: DEF +7, Special ATK +15
Beast Fang Recipes
These are all recipes that require beast fang as an ingredient:
- Beast Fang + Bone = Pretty Flower: DEF +1, Special ATK +8, Special DEF +4
- Beast Fang + Stone Knife = Prickly Stones
- Beast Fang + Pelt = Chest Hair: DEF +3, Physical ATK +4
- Beast Fang + Beast Horn = Pretty Flower: DEF +1, Special ATK +8, Special DEF +4
- Beast Fang + Leather Strap = Fang Necklace: Special DEF +2
- Beast Fang + Hard Rock = Pretty Flower: DEF +1, Special ATK +8, Special DEF +4
- Beast Fang + Dried Skin = Laughing Mask: DEF +7, Special ATK +15
Live a Live Prehistoric Crafting Recipes – Stone Knife
These are all recipes that require stone knife as an ingredient:
- Stone Knife + Stick = Quick Spear: ATK +25, Speed +10
- Stone Knife + Bone = Quick Spear: ATK +25, Speed +10
- Stone Knife + Beast Horn = Loin Guard: DEF +6, Physical DEF +6, Special DEF +10
- Stone Knife + Beast Fang = Prickly Stones
- Stone Knife + Dried Skins = Wildheart Armor: DEF +16, Physical DEF +10, Speed -8
- Stone Knife + Pelt = Leather Strap
- Stone Knife + Hard Rock = Fertility Charm: Speed -10, get Heal ability in battle
- Stone Knife + Leather Strap = Fury Knife: ATK +30
Live a Live Prehistoric Crafting Recipes – Pelt
These are all recipes that require pelt as an ingredient:
- Pelt + Beast Fang = Chest Hair: DEF +3, Physical ATK +4
- Pelt + Beast Horn = Beastskin Cap: DEF +3, Speed +10
- Pelt + Bone = Beastskin Cap: DEF +3, Speed +10
- Pelt + Leather Strap = Wildheart Dress: DEF +32, Special DEF +10
- Pelt + Dried Skin = Chest Hair: DEF +3, Physical ATK +4
- Pelt + Stone Knife = Leather Strap
- Pelt + Hard Rock = Chest Hair: DEF +3, Physical ATK +4
- Pelt + Stick = Fire Club: ATK +8
Live a Live Prehistoric Crafting Recipes – Stick
These are all recipes that require stick as an ingredient:
- Stick + Beast Fang = Fang Club: ATK +18
- Stick + Beast Horn = Horn Spear : ATK +14, Speed +6
- Stick + Bone = Horn Spear : ATK +14, Speed +6
- Stick + Pelt = Fire Club: ATK +8
- Stick + Dried Skins = Thump Drum: Special ATK +12
- Stick + Hard Rock = Strong Axe: ATK +10, Physical ATK +10
- Stick + Leather Strap = Fast Whip: ATK +10, Speed +16
- Stick + Stone Knife = Quick Spear: ATK +25, Speed +10
Live a Live Prehistoric Crafting Recipes – Leather Strap
These are all recipes that require leather strap as an ingredient:
- Leather Strap + Beast Fang = Fang Necklace: Special DEF +2
- Leather Strap + Beast Horn = Loin Guard: DEF +6, Physical DEF +6, Special DEF +10
- Leather Strap + Pelt = Wildheart Dress: DEF +32, Special DEF +10
- Leather Strap + Hard Rock = Bola
- Leather Strap + Bone = Angry Bone: ATK +22
- Leather Strap + Stone Knife = Fury Knife: ATK +30
- Leather Strap + Stick = Fast Whip: ATK +10, Speed +16
- Leather Strap + Dried Skins = Wildheart Sack: ATK +40, Physical ATK +20, Special DEF +8
Dried Skin Recipes
These are all recipes that require dried skin as an ingredient:
- Dried Skin + Beast Fang = Laughing Mask: DEF +7, Special ATK +15
- Dried Skin + Beast Horn = Laughing Mask: DEF +7, Special ATK +15
- Dried Skins + Stick = Thump Drum: Special ATK +12
- Dried Skins + Leather Strap = Wildheart Sack: ATK +40, Physical ATK +20, Special DEF +8
- Dried Skin + Pelt = Chest Hair: DEF +3, Physical ATK +4
- Dried Skins + Stone Knife = Wildheart Armor: DEF +16, Physical DEF +10, Speed -8
- Dried Skins + Hard Rock = Bang Glove: ATK +5, Physical ATK +16