Culture Magazine

Little Noises (1991) Movie Review

By Newguy

Little Noise – Movie Review by Movie Rob

Discover the captivating movie 'Little Noises' in this in-depth review. Explore the exploration of artists' pursuit of fame and the struggles they face.

ABC Film Challenge – Female Directors – L

“I’m in the middle of writing a novel right now.” – Joey

Number of Times Seen – 1 (11 Jul 2024)

Brief Synopsis – An aspiring writer steals poems from a friend and presents them as his own as he struggles to reach the top.

My Take on it – This is a film that has so much more potential than is realized. The idea of how an artist will go to any length in order to shorten the road to fame is explored well, but the problem here is that none of the characters are likeable at all. This, in turn, makes it that much harder to really care about what they do or even why they act as they do.

I have always been a fan of Crispin Glover, but he never manages to shine here in the lead role and he is much better as a supporting actor than the focus of a story. The character that stands out the most is Rik Mayall as the literary agent and he steals every scene he appears in, but his part isn’t prominent enough to make a difference. The moral and ethical issues of the story just touch the surface and if they had gone deeper into these things, it might have made this film much more interesting to watch unfold.

MovieRob’s Favorite Trivia – Film is dedicated to memory of actor/writer Anthony Brito (1953-1991) (From ">">IMDB)

Rating – Razzie Worthy (4/10)

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