Fashion Magazine

Little Black Dress #2

By Irene Gomes @PetitePlusMeow

Continuing with  January’s  Little Black Dress week on the blog today.

Today I took a cheap little summer office dress and transformed it into winter wear ….


LBD #2: Belted Merona from Target

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This dress is pretty great.  The long silver zipper down the back adds this simple, sexy quality to an otherwise pretty modest dress.  These pictures don’t showcase the large buckle belt that comes with this dress.

My apologies for the poor photos quality in this post – it was pretty dark outside when I remembered to snap pics.  Pardon my winter-bun-headed look ….its the only way to keep my hair from getting crazy static once the parka goes on.

Here’s a zoomed in look at this fabulous hot pink sweater I picked up on sale at Winners.  It fit nicely under the dress as its quite light-weight and the details up the arms really add a little dazzle to break up this all-black look.

How I Got The Look:  LBD from Target; Hot pink sweater from Winners; Glossy silver pumps from Payless; Sheer hosiery from Dollarama; Necklace & earring set  from LOFT


Do you have a favourite Little Black Dress?  Where’s it from and how to you style it? Tell me your tips and tricks by leaving a comment below.

WANNA see the other LBD’s I’ve talked about so far – click here.

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