Fashion Magazine

Listening to the Radio

By Annamoss84 @missanniebean
Over the past year or so I've really abandoned my TV.  Once upon a time I'd do nothing but sit and indulge in as many TV shows as possible, but finally I got so fed up watching soaps that contained non stop life issues, the news or other TV shows that dragged everything down, that I switched off and thought to myself life is complicated enough than to fill it with  all this.  Admittedly some people don't feel this way and that is absolutely fine, but I do believe sometimes it's good to turn the TV off, ease your mind and live a bit.  When I decided to ditch the TV, I felt really out of the loop as I didn't know the really important news or the latest music -  two things that are quite key in my life.  I decided to download the radio onto my iPad and whilst going about my day-to-day routine I had it on in the background, providing me with essential info and of course the music that I'd been craving.  
The radio is something that I've often taken for granted,  but for me the music industry completely changed around 2008, and what was once new and exciting had become quite repetitive...often with acts that had an expiry date. I decided to branch out by listening to a number of stations, mainly to embrace the genres I love instead of always sticking to commercial.  My problem now was that I didn't always want to be using my iPad, so the last few weeks I have been on a radio hunt!  Radio Below are some of the radios I have spied in my radio hunt. I love the snazzy looking radios and knew this would be a fun challenge.  I'd obviously be looking for something up to date technology wise, but also something that was somewhat individual.

Pure Evoke Mio DAB

Pure Evoke Mio DAB Radio, Mustard-£129.95 

Pure radios are nice and simplistic but come in a number of shades.  It's quite 60's looking but teamed with an up to date look.

Orla Kiely Radio

Pure Evoke Mio DAB Radio, Orla Kiely Stem Print Edition- £149.95

I saw the Orla Kiely collection at this London Fashion Week just passed, so when I discovered she had teamed with Pure - I knew it would be different!  I love this adorable print that is very basic but statement all at once. 

Cath Kidston Radio

ROBERTS Cath Kidston Limited Edition Revival RD60 DAB Digital Radio, Kempton Rose-£199.95

 You can't really go wrong with Cath Kidston and you certainly can't go wrong with a Roberts radio.  A collaboration you maybe have already heard about, but certainly one that is ever lasting.

Vintage radio

Bush Portable Cream Radio - £29.99

I saw this radio and immediately thought of my grandparents.  A cream, vintage looking radio from Bush is a fantastic creation.

Lime radio

Acoustic Solutions Gloss DAB Radio - Green - £31.49

If vintage looking isn't for you, there are a number of great radios out there.  This one from Argos is zesty in color and very up to date with its technology - better yet the price is superb.

Roberts purple radio

Roberts Rival DAB (RD 60) - £160.00

I do love this one the best, mainly because the color looks so sheer, it's a happy balance of being in the now and appearing like it has a long history.

Marshall Radio

Pure Evoke 1S Marshall DAB Radio - £104.95

I don't think I really need to say much for this one!  A Pure DAB Marshall radio... amazing! My boyfriend saw this and loved it.  Certainly is quirky and very classic.  I am personally looking at getting a radio as investment, I don't feel the need to purchase a CD player anymore but getting a radio is wise.  The radio will always remain in my eyes and out of any digital technology it has been the one thing to continue.  I hope you like my top radio picks! 
Listening to the radio

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