Lambda Literary posted New in December: Lee Lynch, Ed Luce, Dan Lopez, Cole Escola, and Jeanette Winterson and Fingerplay and Handmaidens: The Queer and Subversive Pleasures of Reading Sarah Waters .
Women and Words is hosting the Holiday Hootenanny, with tons of book giveaways until Dec 24!"Melanie Gillman's Stage Dreams: A Story of Queer Romance and Espionage!" was posted at Women Write About Comics .
The 2016 Rainbow Awards winners were announced!
Tall As You Are Tall Between Them by Annie Christain was reviewed at .
Eleanor and Hick: The Love Affair That Shaped a First Lady by Susan Quinn was reviewed at Lambda Literary .
Christmas Days: 12 Stories and 12 Feasts for 12 Days by Jeanette Winterson was reviewed at Lambda Literary .
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