- I am sad and angry. For women everywhere, who are victims of assault and harassment. For people of color everywhere. For my fellow citizens, and the politicians we’re stuck with. Is there anywhere in the world where things are headed in the right direction? (It doesn’t seem that way)
- Now I’m in more of a traditional workplace, I find myself reading Ask a Manager religiously – it’s really valuable to me. Recent posts got me thinking about the value of face time, and the practicalities of the fabled ‘results only work environment’. How many actually have finite, quantifiable workloads? And how do you ensure fair workloads when individuals within a team have quite different roles and types of work?
- People always say that short hair takes more work, but for me it’s so much more low maintenance. Half the time I don’t even brush it – I’m good to go in the morning. Is it just my hair type?
I really need to put the Toast on my daily reading list, otherwise I miss gems like fictional characters who would have benefited from abortions
Montana, you are beautiful, even if you look damn cold (via Sarah Somewhere)
An amazing pilgrimage through the Italian countryside, at Fearful Adventurer
I am still loving and mulling over Mutant Supermodel’s take on positive psychology
A little love letter from afar, by The Asian Pear
From A Practical Wedding: Sometimes work is just… work.
“And while that sounds terrible, in reality, it’s a good thing. It takes a lot of emotional energy to do the kind of work that feeds your soul, 365 days a year. And sometimes you just want to do a little data entry while listening to Serial, and maybe have time to debate it afterward with your co-workers.”