Community Magazine

Link Love (Powered by Gingernuts and Frost)

By Eemusings @eemusings
Link love (Powered by gingernuts and frost)

I'm feeling too lazy to compile a montly eats post. One highlight: Wildfire! The Churrasco is a meaty all-you-can-eat option, with food brought to your tables on the regular. The roast lamb nearly made me cry, it was so tender and tasty. The spiced pork absolutely burst with flavour, and again, the roast veggies zinged all the way through with every bite.

Also: anyone have a favourite Italian restaurant in Auckland?

This week's links

The older I get the more I realise this is true: there is plenty of money out there - it's just about figuring out how to get people to give it to you.

When doing what you love doesn't pay - what next?

Holiday vs real life economics

How to unintentionally ruin your life

On racial and gender identity

Life advice from the president of Y Combinator. Here are my five faves:

  • Whether or not money can buy happiness, it can buy freedom, and that's a big deal. Also, lack of money is very stressful.
  • If you think you're going to regret not doing something, you should probably do it. Regret is the worst, and most people regret far more things they didn't do than things they did do.
  • Remember how intensely you loved your boyfriend/girlfriend when you were a teenager? Love him/her that intensely now. Remember how excited and happy you got about stuff as a kid? Get that excited and happy now.
  • Existential angst is part of life. It is particularly noticeable around major life events or just after major career milestones. It seems to particularly affect smart, ambitious people.
  • The days are long but the decades are short.

Following because I want some good Italian in Auckland.

Link love (Powered by gingernuts and frost)

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