Community Magazine

Link Love (powered by Gales and Dumpling Soup)

By Eemusings @eemusings

So much for summer. While T and I were knocked out by some nasty flu virus this week, a tornado saw fit to visit and cause a couple of deaths far too close to home. We thought last year’s tornado over on the North Shore was a one-off (that killed one person) but right now we just need one more to make it a pattern. Or is the rule of threes just for serial killers?

And so much for my braggarty post on how insulated we are from natural disasters, despite being a city of dormant volcanoes. Though as I also pointed out last month, the weather in Auckland is unspeakably awful, and so changeable that really, there was no headsup that a tornado might be coming to town.

On a brighter note… driving dogs!

This week’s links (short and sweet):

In typical Yes and Yes style, a very simple two-step plan for getting what you want

Amazing photos of Galapagos birdlife, over at Traveling 9 to 5

Marian is moving back to the US (sadface) for an awesome new job. I’ll be seeing you next year!

After a year of freelancing, Andrea is making some resolutions about doing business from hereonin

Enjoyed this reader post at Get Rich Slowly about learning to break the boom-and-bust cycle of poverty

Here’s Kommein on being social online without being annoying

Finally, I am not sure I actually know what ice cream cake is supposed to be like, but this recipe from Hungry and Frozen makes me want to try making it myself.

Happy weekends!

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