Culture Magazine

Lily Darling (2023) Movie Review

By Newguy

Lily Darling – Movie Review

Read our review of Lily Darling, a captivating movie about the rebellious Darling and her transformative journey of self-discovery.

Director: Stefanie Hubbard

Writer: Stefanie Hubbard (Screenplay)


  • Reilly Rose
  • Jake Blakeslee
  • Nate Flynn
  • Shanel Cheatham (Out of Breath)
  • Adaline Gomez

Plot: It’s 2006, and the most important things in Darling’s life are skinny jeans, black eyeliner, and punk rock music. When the shy and mysterious Ollie catches her eye at a bus stop, the two teens form a bond that makes Darling question her rocky relationship with a troublesome older boy.

Runtime: 1 Hour 40 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Lily Darling starts when the punk rock-loving Darling (Rose) meets a stranger Ollie (Blakeslee) at the bus stop, and they bond over their love of punk music. However, Darling is in a relationship with a controlling older guy Coal (Flynn). It leads to Darling finding a moment of each day to be extra happy.

The two start spending time together with Ollie sharing his feelings and giving Darling her nickname, Lily. It leads to Darling questioning her relationship and discovering she enjoys more time with Ollie and understanding what teen punk rock romance is all about.

Verdict on Lily Darling

Lily Darling is a teen romance movie following a punk rock-loving teenager who falls in love with a stranger. However, her controlling relationship makes their friendship difficult as feelings start taking over.

This movie takes us back to 2006 with the punk rock-themed world. It follows the teenage era of the fans, where it plays into emotions, and you feel every song is important to you. Away from the music scene, we get a first romance and understanding of relationships. This feels like a love letter for anyone who grew up loving punk rock and used it to help understand love. It is an excellent time capsule into life where things felt simpler, and the number of punk rock band references brings back a flood of memories. Reilly Rose and Jake Blakeslee are great together and show excellent chemistry in the leading roles of the movie.

Where to Watch

On UK Digital 1 July from Scatena & Rosner Films

Final Thoughts Lily Darling is a perfect punk rock love experience.

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