While in leadership in the MN GOP, he was part of the administration of gross fiscal mismanagement and dishonesty in place of the claimed party of fiscal responsibility. Real political savvy seems to have been lacking.
He is a one-trick pony who, apparently, has no other skills.
I've speculated all along that Brodkorb was bluffing, trying to trade on his record for magnifying the failings of others, while he had nothing of substance on which to base his law suit.
According to the Strib writing about this 'list of adulterous legislators and staff', Brodkorb has no proof anyone was adulterous, he only BELIEVES they had an affair. In other words, these people were the topic of salacious gossip and rumor, Brodkorb's stock in trade.
Only one person on the list is still in the legislature; and not all of the people he puts on the list were having affairs with other members of the legislature, much less superiors.
In other words, those cases are not really similar to Brodkorb's at all. But even if they were - and they aren't - that doesn't mean that the lege did not retain the authority and option to fire at will employees. More than that, EVERY person who held Brodkorb's position no longer held that position after their superior left office, whether in good standing or in disgrace, as Amy Koch (Brodkorb's lover and boss) left.
The lege had it correct; this was an attempt to blackmail the legislature, to embarrass people, and to hold the legislature hostage for the costs of defending this feeble, ugly suit. As noted below, Brodkorb's got nothing. Just like so many efforts on the right that are nasty, and factually deficient.
Enough of this right wing ugly dishonesty, we need to be done with it with Brodkorb, without giving him ANYTHING that rewards this behavior. And then we need to do the same with the rest of the right. It is time to push back, and push back HARD.
From NBC news Minneapolis (bold is my emphasis added - DG)
The Associated Press reported Thursday on a list of alleged affairs Brodkorb's lawyers say they accidentally filed publicly.
Brodkorb refused to elaborate on the other evidence, citing a protective seal in the case.
Senate lawyer Dayle Nolan says Brodkorb hasn't provided more details about the affairs than listed in the recent filing.