Travel Magazine

Life's a Beach

By Russellvjward @russellvjward
I had a 'need to pinch myself' moment this week.
I'd finished a training session on one of the local beaches, Bilgola, and sat recovering on the sand. Gazing out at the ocean, taking in the views, I spied a pod of humpback whales playing in the water not 500 metres from where I sat.

Life's a Beach

Humpback Breaching.  Image: omakakki

At first I could only see the tell-tale plumes of spray blowing skywards from the top of the humpbacks. Then, as the pod swam closer, the distinctive tail flukes appeared as these majestic creatures flipped entirely out of the water, twisted in midair, and landed loudly on their sides. It was breathtaking to witness.
Watching those gentle giants roll around in their ocean playground, less than a kilometer from my spot on the sand, I was reminded that very few people in the world get to appreciate anything close to this natural beauty on any given day. It was a revelatory moment that reinforced my reasons for living here.
Whether it be admiring the humpback whales, watching lightening storms roll in from the east or sharing great food and drink at a beach BBQ, the variety and quality of life by the ocean is something I would struggle to ever give up. On paper, my daily routine is quite ordinary. I walk my dog, go to work, train with friends in the early evening, watch a little TV. Yet when you peel back the surface layers, my life has fundamentally changed underneath.

Life's a Beach

Beach Surf.  Image: Nina Matthews Photography

I no longer try to avoid the daily walks with my dog, previously reduced to dragging him around the block, hurrying home before it got dark, with cold hands buried deep in coat pockets.
Spending time with my Milo has become one of life's great pleasures and our trips to the dog-friendly lagoons and strolls together through the undulating sand dunes have become the highlights of my week. At the weekend, we swim together in the mild inlets near Bayview, him chasing the tennis ball I'm pulling along beside me as I strike out into deeper water. Milo was born to this life of ocean adventure and I indulge him whenever I can.
A few months ago, I quit the gym. I literally said "no more". I didn't move to the other side of the world, and to a home by the ocean, to spend weekends locked away in a sweaty, claustrophobic box with large numbers of other tortured souls. I've lived my free time in the gym since I was 18 so my decision to quit was both bold and a touch unnerving. 

Life's a Beach

Bilgola Beach Pool.  Image: anniemullinsuk

Upon leaving, I felt a huge sense of relief at turning my back on what had been such a large part of my life, but which could be no more. I turned to the beach for my salvation and began to train in the soft sand, on the stairs, through the surrounding parkland, and practice drills in the beach pools (a personal favorite of mine).
I've never felt more invigorated with my training and in tune with the environment. Feeling the sand between my toes and the sea breeze in my hair, I feel in my element. Working-out has become fun again and I count down the days until my training buddies and I next meet. During the day, I work in an office like any other, but increasingly I work from home allowing me time for a relaxing walk at lunch and the ability to work on my deck with the laptop, whilst others stress out in the close confines of a shared office.

Life's a Beach

Living By The Ocean.  Image: StephEvaPhoto

In this life, work has suddenly become the smaller part of a bigger picture. Where my career was once my everything, home life and my family have become my passion. The well-known saying that you should 'work to live rather than live to work' has never been truer and more meaningful than at this stage of my life.
And when I drive home from work at the end of my day, I glimpse the ocean on the horizon and feel all my worries and stresses drift away. The sight of that wide, blue expanse of water never fails to excite and inspire. The possibilities always seem endless.
I'm lucky and I know it.
My life isn't perfect but I'm fortunate to have what I have and be where I choose to be.

Life's a Beach

Beach Life.  Image: Marco Estrella

When I think about the point of this post, the reason for sharing this aspect of my life, I realize it's simple. I want to show you what's possible if you change things up, if you follow a dream. I want to show you a different side of life, a life unexpected, a life less ordinary. So if you're considering a move like mine or you fancy a change, do me one small favour.
Follow your dream. Follow it now. Get out there. Enjoy it. Love it. But, most importantly, live it.  
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