Culture Magazine

Life is So Big. Eyelash in the Salad. Aldebaran ...

By Shannawilson @shanna_wilson
is so big. Eyelash in the salad. Aldebaran


is so big. Eyelash in the salad. Aldebaran

   light-years to the right

   of the margaritas.

Five hundred thousand

   new “jobless claims.” Quotes. Was Bonaparte a fool

   or a genius? Yes.

Rates of currency exchange, thermal exchange,

   chromosomal exchange. I begin

   to fill up, as if I’m a glass

and the world is water, is rain

   is storm. Backfire

I think is gunfire and gunfire

   I’m sure is close.

The feeling that mysticism

   is the only way to be polite, that the stick

   fetches the dog. While I was masturbating,

   more rainforest

   disappeared. The feeling the sun is saying

do something.

   The feeling it’s impossible

   to know what to do. So there I was:

planting bulbs

   for a greensudden spring.

   dialing by congresswoman, blushing,

   hanging up, redialing,

   rededicating myself

to gestures, walking right up to the sky

   and asking it please

   to stay.

   The slog

   the trudge,

   pushing the boulder the pie-chart the petition

   up the mountain. Save the whales,

   the decibels,

   the Earth,

   the me. When I thought of life

as climbing the shadow of a tree,

   I climbed.

When I thought of life

   as a race between words

   for empty and words for full,

   I was at the end of this poem.

   -Bob Hicok

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