The image of the month of Libra illustrates a profound aspect of a relation between Shambala and Shasta revealed in the book of Sri K. Parvathi Kumar on “Shambala“. I also wrote a number of blog-posts on Shambala; see further the Facebook group “WTT-Shambala“, which was presented in a blog-post.
In the book “Esoteric Astrology” by Alice A. Bailey, p 168, Master DK mentions, “Libra admits the soul into the world center which we call Shamballa, for it is the polar opposite of Aries which is the place of beginnings. Libra demonstrates the perfect balance of spirit and matter which first came together in Aries.“
Shambala is the soul center of the Earth and is said to be as old as the planet. There are many legends and references to Shambala and its king in different Eastern scriptures.
The scriptures affirm that Shambala is in the second ethers hidden in the Gobi Desert within the geographical territory of the present day’s Mongolian nation. It is hidden and inaccessible to humans. Only advanced initiates gain access to Shambala as per the call from Shambala.
The lord of Shambala is called by many names, among others The Lord of the World, The Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara or Shasta. Kumara means Son of God. Shasta means a synthesis of the three energies of will, knowledge and action. The Mount Shasta on the West Coast of the USA is named after Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara is the ruler of the beings on the planet and also the teacher and the awakener.
The lord works from Shambala in the East and from Shasta in the West, to synthesize East and West at all levels. Sanat Kumara abundantly manifests the Aquarian energies through Mount Shasta which in turn awakens the entire state of California for pioneering global evolution in the field of electronics, communications and information technology.
The effort of Shambala and Shasta is expected to manifest the golden age by the year 2424. We might imagine the rainbow bridge between Shambala and Shasta, to realize the energies of Aquarius and thereby transform the self. The painting visualises this with the help of an image of the earth produced by the geospacial Nasa WorldWind app showing a North Polar perspective of the northern hemisphere. A rainbow and a straight line connecting Shambala and Shasta give the vision of the bridge.
The Images of Synthesis for the month of Libra illustrate the related symbolism. You find there all previous Libra paintings with detailed explanations in four languages (en/de/es/fr). You can also download print-versions for free. Find here the Images of Synthesis with short extracts from the wisdom teachings. Or subscribe to the Lunar Messenger newsletter giving thoughts from the wisdom teachings to inspire putting them into practice.

10 July 2023, pencils and photo work