The spiritual path is from objectivity to subjectivity and via the subtle planes to the reunion with the divine center. In the movement through the zodiac, Libra stands for the complete unfoldment of objective life, where you can lose yourself in the “scales of the balance” or return to the center of rotation, which corresponds to the center of our existence. Objectivity is horizontal life, subjectivity is vertical life, and both need to form a right angle, a balance in the center.
When I was inwardly searching for the new image, nothing showed up until there was a window of time to start working on the image. I perceived a horizontal and a vertical line formed by galaxies. I started searching the “Google quarry” for elements to approach the inner image and found many a galaxy and other interesting objects but the inner image did not fit with the outer pieces of the puzzle. I felt dissatisfied.
Next morning in meditation I clearly saw the structure and the needed elements. For the vertical line I took a photo of the milky-way and for the horizontal line, the field of light, a photo of the Sombrero galaxy. I super-imposed elements of star-fields and a star and added the eyes as symbols of the Mother of the Universe. Then I worked out colours and details with the pencils and gave the image a final digital finish. And yes, this was the image which wanted to manifest.
See more pictures on the site with my paintings. If you want to print the image, you can download the file in medium and high resolution format.

13 June 2015, pencils and photo work