LG has launched its largest lineup of OLED TVs in India today. In this lineup, the company has launched 21 new OLED TVs, which include several series. Talking about the different series included in the lineup, the 8K OLED Z3 series comes in it. An OLED Evo Gallery Edition G3 series has been introduced, in which one wall design has been given. There is an OLED Evo C3 series. At the same time, there is also the OLED B3 and OLED A3 series, which include affordable models. In these TVs, you will find models ranging from 42 inches to 97 inches screen size. Not only this, the world’s first flexible OLED TV is also present in this series. Let us know the details related to their price and features.
LG OLED TV lineup Price
As we mentioned, the LG OLED TV lineup includes TV models ranging from 42 inches to 97 inches. Their price starts from Rs.19,900 and goes up to Rs.75,00,000. Let us tell you, the company has launched its flexible TV at a price of Rs 75,00,000.
Introducing #LGOLEDFlex, Level up your gaming experience with the world’s only Flexible Gaming OLED TV! Immerse yourself in the dynamic action as you bend the screen to find your perfect curve. #LGOLED2023 #TheOneAndOnly #LGOLDevo #gaming pic.twitter.com/IXFfLny9x1
— LG India (@LGIndia) May 24, 2023
LG OLED TV Specifications
The company has introduced 21 new models in the LG OLED lineup under different series. These include 8K OLED Z3 series, OLED evo Gallery edition G3 series, OLED evo C3 series, OLED B3 and A3 series TVs.
However, the most talked about of all these models is the LG OLED Flex (LX3) model. The company claims that this is the world’s first flexible OLED TV, which has a 42-inch display. This TV can be optimized during gaming, live TV and content streaming. You can make the display of this TV flat or curved as per your wish. Along with this, a height-adjustment stand has also been provided.
Also it is equipped with α (Alpha) 9 Gen 5 processor. Along with this, a new game app has been given, in which customizable options like Custom Screensaver, Shortcuts to Twitch and YouTube are available. This TV supports Dolby Vision for gaming. For audio, it has two front-facing 40W speakers with Dolby Atmos support.