Dear Fat Dormouse Getting Thinner:
Thank you very much for the recipe I found here on your blog. I did want you to know that it was quite delicious. But somehow, cooking times did not equate here at high altitudes. Your recipe called for cooking the vegetables for about 20 minutes after the liquid came to a boil.
After cooking the onions, carrots and sweet potatoes for 55 minutes in the chicken stock, and flavoring with a Tbsp. of orange marmalade (the grocery shopping elves had not picked up any orange juice by noon today), here is your delicious soup in my poppy mug.
Thanks again Dormouse,
P.S.: the roof of my mouth got burned while sipping the soup because I did not want to wait for it to cool
P.P.S: I drank the soup and had Weight Watchers popcorn with the soup and it was extra delish