Hi. My name is Melissa. I am a chicken wing-aholic. And I’m not talking about vegan “chicken” wings. I’m talking CHICKEN WINGS.

We’re talking full-on Cookie Monster-style eating of chicken wings. I’m not proud of it.
The holidays have come and gone since I last posted and I have to confess that I have gone down a dark path leading back to an onmivore lifestyle. I can offer perfectly somewhat rational explanations for it, but the gist is this: I was hungry and there was a tray of Korean fried chicken wings in front of me. I went for it and didn’t barf or blow up so I just kept right on eating the chicken… and the burger… and the turkey… and the beef egg roll… and the prime rib…
And boom – here I am now, about three months after that first chicken wing, feeling gross and heavy and literally five pounds heavier.
Here’s the thing: I was pretty good for I’d say about six months or so, but I have yet to figure out how to completely eliminate eggs, seafood, and cheese from my diet. And now I am faced with the horrible thought of never eating a chicken wing ever again. So I may never be 100% vegan. I won’t beat myself up about it. But I can definitely take conscious steps toward making better food choices again. Will I die if I eat a chicken wing? Only if I choke on it or someone laces it with poison. Will I die if I eat a carrot or apple? Nope… unless I choke on it or someone laces it with poison.
This month on Turning Veganese, I’ll be reminding myself and all of you awesome readers that being vegan or even just making better food choices doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated. I’ll tell you about some great products and recipes I have discovered that help make healthy cooking and eating more fun and worthwhile. And I’ll be open about my real diet and share recipes that may include dairy or eggs or seafood — with explanations of why I add them and how the recipe is still great without it or by substituting something else.
In retrospect, I think I was spot-on in naming the blog “Turning Veganese” because it’s a continuous journey for me. I hope you’ll all stick around for the ride!