Fashion Magazine

Let's Travel...

By Sammycx @sammycx

Let's Travel...

Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel...
Let's Travel... Top-H&M//Trousers-H&M//Shoes-Primark I’m currently planning a 3 week holiday to Orlando Florida this October (YAY!) flight’s and villa are booked, still need to book park tickets etc, I know it may seem a bit early but I’ve already kind of planned what to travel in as it’s quite important to me however It may change nearer the time. I spotted the trousers & top in H&M just after Christmas and thought they would be just perfect for a long 9 hour flight, the trousers are very comfortable and a light thin material as it’ll be very humid when I arrive in Florida, I opted for this top as again, it’s comfortable, you can’t go wrong with a simple t shirt. 

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