Lifestyle Magazine

Let’s Save the Bees!

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’ve had a busy week of work and writing. The weather has been hot, hot, hot, and humid. I had to take a couple of days off running because of this, but I did manage to get in a hike. I love summer. I love hiking in the woods or hanging out by the beach. Both are great ways to relieve stress.

Hike, Save the Bees!, Lisa OrchardPhoto credit: thisblackroom on VisualHunt

I love seeing the beauty around me in the summer. The gorgeous flowers and the greenery in the trees and shrubs. The earth is an amazing place, and we need to take care of it.

Did you know one of the biggest caretakers of the world is the tiny bee? That’s right, without the bee or the other pollinators the earth would die. I know you think I’m being dramatic, but it’s true.

Bee, Save the Bees!, Lisa Orchard

According to Albert Einstein, if all the bees disappeared, we would only have four more years to live. In Europe alone, 84% of two hundred and sixty-four crop species, and four thousand plant species are alive because of the bees and other pollinators. No civilization can survive without their crops.

Crops, Save the Bees!, Lisa Orchard
Photo credit: Auntie P on

So, we’re in a crisis. The Bee population has been declining over the last few decades. While commercial bee colonization is on the rise, our wild bee population continues to dwindle. We must do everything possible to protect this little guy that does so much for us.

Flower, Save the Bees!, Lisa Orchard
Photo credit: Jeff Power on

One thing we can do is plant as many flowers as possible that feed bees. Below is a quick list of flowers bees love.

  1. Phlox
  2. Black-eyed Susans
  3. Cornflower
  4. Cat Mint
  5. Cleome
  6. Daisies
  7. Cat Mint
  8. Anisse Hyssop
  9. Milkweed

Just to name a few. Monarda (Bee Balm) is another good one.

Flowers, Save the Bees!, Lisa Orchard
Photo credit: dr.larsbergmann on VisualHunt

We can also rewild our yards. Let’s turn those manicured lawns into bee sanctuaries. Plant those flowers and put out water for the bees. Let’s help them thrive. We could also stop using Pesticides. This is the number one killer of our bee population.

Think of the future generations we’ll be leaving the earth to. They’re not going to be happy with us if we leave them a huge mess to clean up. So, let’s start now and take care of this wonderful planet we call home.

Earth, Save the Bees!, Lisa Orchard
Photo credit: Timothy Valentine on Visualhunt

Thanks for reading my post. Do you have any ideas on how we can save the bees? Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!

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