Lifestyle Magazine

‘Let’s End Going Home Alone’ Campaign

By Catty212
I was recently sent some information about the Royal Voluntary Service’sLet’s End Going Home Alone’ campaign, a simple campaign aimed at highlighting the lack of support available for the elderly when discharged from hospital. 
The infographic below goes into more detail.
‘Let’s End Going Home Alone’ campaignSadly I no longer have my grandparents but I do remember both being being in hospital towards the end. Thankfully my Mam nursed both at home until they died but I don't remember the option of any support or help from anyone. I can't imagine how lonely and destitute someone would feel being discharged from hospital with no one waiting at home for them, especially at this time of the year. Research into the support of those discharged from hospital over the age of 75 shows
that :-
  • over the past year, 38% of those aged 75 have been admitted to hospital and then dicharged home
  • of these, 26% did not feel ready to go home and
  • 13% returned to hospital within three months.
The Royal Voluntary Service states that providing better support for those leaving hospital could save the NHS around £40 million a year, simply by reducing the amount of re-admissions to hospital.

The charity already returns a help scheme called Home From Hospital which helps with the following tasks :-

  • helping individuals home after a stay in hospital
  • putting the heating to ensure they come back to a warm property
  • ensuring there’s a supply of basics like milk and bread
  • providing lifts to medical appointments and
  • checking in on the patient for six weeks after the return home while they recover.
I think a campaign like this needs all the support it can get, particularly at this time of the year. After all, how would you feel if it was someone you knew? 

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