Arts & Crafts Magazine

Let Me Tell You What I Really Think About "Decorating Rules"

By Southshoredecoratingblog
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I absolutely hate decorating rules, and have for as long as I can remember. I see them all the time on Pinterest and on decorating blogs, and sometimes I read them for amusement to see how many of them I break. In design school, they even used to teach the so-called rule that "blue and green should not be seen" together. Isn't that ridiculous?
I started thinking about this last night again because I saw that someone posted on Pinterest that you should never put a mirror between windows because it draws attention from the outside or some such nonsense. Well, I am right in the middle of decorating my bedroom, as you guys know, and I'm working on a vignette that includes a mirror between the windows. So I was kind of offended. Just kidding – not really – but it did give me the idea to post about it.  
All of these photos have mirrors between the windows:

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And here are A couple of photos from my bedroom. It is a work in progress and a mess– you can even see my daughter's art project under the sofa. It looks so much better in person and I can't wait to show you better quality photos when it is painted. Honestly, sometimes I can't even believe the stuff I show you from my house. This is SO not ready to show, but who cares!
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And here is another rule I always break, by mixing gold and silver:
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So tell me, do you agree with any of the other decorating "rules"?
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