Those of you who follow my blog know that my daughters are the Presidential Selfie Girls. Last summer we took them all over the New Hampshire listening to every single presidential candidate. At each stop they got a selfie with the candidate. Until the challenge was completed it was non-partisan. It gave my daughters (and many who were following them) a wonderful education about the primary process in New Hampshire.
And then Fox and Friends comes along and does this:

Absolute lies. I called this out on Twitter and now it’s on Facebook and Snapchat. Fox and Friends took an internet troll’s attempt at a meme and reported it as factual “news.” (Seriously?) And they “reported” that the girls wrote the notation on the photo. OUTRIGHT HURTFUL LIES. No fact checking, no realizing that Fox had actually interviewed the Presidential Selfie Girls on their own network. As long as it is something against Hillary, it sells.
Sloppy, sloppy reporting (if you can even call it that.)
Fox took a non-partisan activity where two teens went out and listened to all of the candidates and then tried to soil it. I don’t care which candidate you support, this is so wrong on so many levels.
As a journalist, as a person, and as a mother, I can’t tell you the depth of my hatred for “Fox News.”
Here is the original selfie:

This is the official Selfie when the girls announced that they SUPPORT Hillary.

And here is where the girls are featured in this month’s issue of Seventeen Magazine (and I might add that Fox and Friends could learn a thing or two from Seventeen Magazine, an editor actually called me and fact checked the article *before* it went to press.)

Go visit the Presidential Girls’ website where you can see *all* of the photos the girls took during their selfie challenge.