Home Magazine

Lesson 988 – The Birthday Flag

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

It’s a big day in our house! Not only is it the first day of spring (well at least according to the calendar it is anyway):


But it’s also the Rooster of the house or as we like to call him Mr. Mama Hen’s birthday.  Unfortunately, Marc is also sick with a chest cold so while he sits with his box of tissue and drinks his “hot brown liquid” (aka gourmet roast coffee courtesy of Griffin  – which for the record is *fabulous!*) we are left to do the celebrating ourselves.

Which means putting up the same decorations (found in the “Birthday Box”) that go up for every birthday that’s been celebrated in this house. Including the “Birthday Flag” – it’s a large canvas “Happy Birthday” flag that Marc had ordered and which greeted our first-born, Spencer and me when we came home from the hospital after he was born.

Happy Birthday little family member, we’re glad you’re here.

That flag has flown whether our chicks are home or away from the nest at college or on a trip. It’s been seen by years of school children as the elementary school’s big yellow bus drives by. It has become an important family tradition and it wouldn’t be a birthday if it weren’t hoisted.

Our flag is an announcement to the world that a member of our flock is celebrated today.

And even when you’re constantly blowing your nose, and have to take a nap in the afternoon because you’ve hit the proverbial wall, you still get celebrated and appreciated in this house.

Happy Birthday Marc.


Inadvertent selfie.


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at [email protected]

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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