This Thursday the Merrimack Library Trustees (of which I am one) are holding a Turkey Shoot.
Honestly, I don’t know if this is a New Hampshire thing or not, but having grown up in Connecticut I can truthfully tell you that I have never attended a “Turkey Shoot” (nor had I *ever* attended a wedding where they played that “Chicken Dance” song – don’t even get me started about that one.)
By definition a “turkey shoot” is: noun, informal
1. a situation, typically in a war, in which one side has an overwhelming advantage.
Nope, no birds are going to be injured in this event (except the ones that are already frozen), instead what we’ll be doing is holding raffles for all the parts of a holiday turkey dinner including:
- Turkey
- Bag of vegetables and sides
- Gallon of cider
- Box of chocolates
- Apple Pie
Basically it works like this, you buy tickets for each round and then numbers are called for the 50 items in that round. If your number is called you win that item. In past years, we’ve won lots of food this way (we’ve even had people give us food because they couldn’t use it and they knew my kids could inhale a pie in about 5 seconds.) It’s fast paced and an awful lot of fun for everyone.
Oh and did I mention that the money goes toward the library?
Another important part of the evening is the table raffles where we raffle off “things” that have been collected. We have pizzas, coupons, and gift cards from local businesses, and we have books and items that have been set aside since we made the decision to go forward with the event (and can I say that I’m looking forward to our foyer being finally cleared of this stuff?)
So what does a chicken writer contribute to the raffles?
Nothing less than a vintage framed hand-crocheted piece of art depicting a rooster and a mama hen with her chicks. I found it one year at an estate sale. Hope the new owner appreciates the work that went into this piece as much as I have.

And besides, what did you think I was going to donate? A canned ham?

Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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