Our Guinea hens have successfully made their transition into the flock and have become full –fledged and fully accepted members (yes, even the one who was so horribly pecked that she was bleeding.)
Although both sit comfortably on the weird side of fashion, I still don’t see any signs of “maledom” which means that we’re probably going to be okay in the rooster department.
(What’s that noise, you say? Oh that’s just our neighbors releasing a big sigh of relief.)
As many of you know, we have chronic Lyme in the house and I got our Guinea hens specifically because they are supposed to be world class tick eaters. In the spring, when they have reached maturity, I’ll release these tick-munching hounds to our back yard and let them have at it. Eat all the ticks you want gals, protect my kids.
In the meantime, as members of the flock, they get attention just like everyone else. I coo to them, point out bits of hidden food in the corners, and you better believe that on Christmas Eve, they’ll get their fair share of our “Suet Cookies for Santa.”
Guinea hens tend to be skittish though and are not very social. I have yet to be able to hold and talk to them like I do with some of our other girls (Charlie.) As Guineas are not bred for laying eggs, I imagine that when they do starting laying, their production schedule will be more like a bantam (whenever I get around to it) as opposed to our layers (time to make the eggs.)
Other than tick eating, it’s not easy to justify having these birds in your flock.
That is unless you consider the amusement factor. Guinea hens are as close to a dinosaur as you will ever get in a farm yard. They have prehistoric looking scraggly heads perched on top of football shaped bodies. Clearly, some genetic coding got a little confused along the way. You end up scratching your head a lot in confusion when you decide to share your life with Guinea hens.
Oh, and then there’s this.

Guinea hens, scragginess aside, are, quite simply put, walking pieces of art. Just look at that pattern and design. It’s kind of like owning your very own version of a black and white Jackson Pollock.
And who wouldn’t love that?