I haven’t talked much about our flock member Pippin and perhaps because people were spooked by our two recent losses in the flock, I was asked by more than one person if he was okay.
Not only is Pippin okay but he is incredibly talented. He recently acted as my magician’s assistant while I performed a mystifying and dare devilish magic trick. (I’m currently in discussion with some of the bigger venues in Las Vegas because of this one.)
I call this trick – “cutting a dog in half – and still have it be alive.” (I know I have to work a little on the title.)
Here is Pippin at the beginning of the trick. Would someone cue that magician’s music for me?

adorable hairball
And here he is, just a few hours later – clearly cut in half and yet STILL ALIVE!! Simply astounding.

Who’s a good boy?
Thank you, thank you very much.