Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Lesson 1552 – Lessons Learned from Charlotte’s Web – Chapter 11

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

Charlotte’s Web Chapter 11 – The Miracle 

The next morning was foggy which meant that tiny beads of water attached themselves to Charlotte’s web making it sparkle in the sun and stand out.

Lesson 1552 – Lessons Learned from Charlotte’s Web – Chapter 11
Lurvy notices the web when he brings Wilbur his breakfast and he sees “Some Pig” woven into the stands. This is the message that Charlotte had worked all night as her plan to save Wilbur.

Lurvy alerts Mr. Zuckerman to the web who then tells Mrs. Zuckerman about it letting her know that they have “no ordinary pig.”

“Seems to me,” Mrs Zuckerman replies “that it means we have no ordinary spider.”

“Oh no,” said Zuckerman. “It’s the pig that unusual. It says so right there in the middle of the web.”

Luvry, and Mr. and Mrs. Zuckerman go to the barn and spend time looking at the web.

“You know,” he said in an important voice, “I’ve thought all along that that pig of ours was an extra good one. He’s a solid pig”

Lurvy gets into his Sunday suit and goes to the minister’s house to tell him about the miracle had happened in the barn.

“Don’t’ tell anybody else,: said the minister.” We don’t know what it means yet, but perhaps if I give though to it, I can explain it in my sermon next Sunday.”

But secrets are hard to keep. Before long news spread and everyone in the county knew that a sign had appeared in a spider’s web.

When Fern tells her mother that Avery had tried to knock the spider down with a stick, she sends him to bed without his supper as punishment.

With everyone visiting the barn, things that normally got done did not. Blackberries ripened and left unpicked meaning no blackberry jam was put up. The corn needed hoeing but Lurvy couldn’t find the time to hoe it.

On Sunday the minister announced to his flock that the words on the spider’s web proved that human being must always be on the watch for the coming of wonders.

Chapter 11 Lessons Learned

When Charlotte writes “Some Pig” in her web it gets noticed.

Lesson Learned – Never underestimate the power of the written word.

Mr. Zukerman tells Mrs. Zuckerman that the sign means that they have an unusual pig, but she thinks it means that they have an unusual spider.

Lesson Learned –. Sure, the woman does the work, but the man gets the credit. Some things never change.

Mr. Zuckerman changes his mind about Wilbur and now thinks that he’s a special pig.

Lesson Learned –Sensationalism often convinces people of things they might never have believed.

The minister tells Zuckerman to not let anyone know about the sign so that he could think on it and talk about it at the next sermon.

Lesson Learned –Sometimes signs are for everyone. .

So many people come to the barn that the regular farm work is interrupted and food planned for the winter does not get picked. .

Lesson Learned – Being famous is no good if you don’t have food on the table.

On Sunday the minister tells everyone that the sign in the web means that humans must be on the lookout for other signs indicating the “coming of wonders.”

Lessons Learned: It’s easy to overlook the little details when all you focus on is the big picture.


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at

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