Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Lesson 1534 – Lessons Learned from Charlotte’s Web – Chapter 4

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

Charlotte’s Web Chapter 4 Loneliness

The next day (after Wilbur’s unexpected burst of freedom) was rainy, dark and dreary. The rain upset Wilbur’s plan to go out and dig a new hole in his yard.

Lesson 1534 – Lessons Learned from Charlotte’s Web – Chapter 4
After all Wilbur has his entire day planned out. Breakfast, napping, digging holes, talking to his friend Templeton the rat, and even standing still from three to four where he would think of what it was like to be alive, and to wait for Fern.

But the rain put a damper on those plans. Wilbur couldn’t find Templeton and the little pig began to feel lonely.

“One day just like another,” he groaned.  “I’m very young, I have no real friend here in the barn, it’s going to rain all morning and all afternoon, and Fern won’t come in such bad weather. Oh honestly!”

And when Wilbur is given his breakfast, he realizes that he doesn’t want food, he wants love. He wanted a fiend.

Wilbur ties to make friends with the mother goose, but she is too busy taking care of her clutch of eggs.

Next he tries one of the lambs who replies that she will certainly not play with a pig. “Pigs mean less than nothing to me.”

Wilbur goes to sit down. He sees Templeton and asks the rat if he would like to play?

“Play?” replies Templeton “I hardly know the meaning of the word.”

Friendless, dejected and hungry, Wilbur throws himself down in the manure and sobs.

Lurvey reports that something is wrong with the pig

“Give him two spoonful’s of Sulphur and a little molasses.”

Day turns to night and Wilbur doesn’t know if he can endure the awful loneliness anymore.

In the darkness, he hears a small voice “Do you want a friend Wilbur?” it said. “I’ll be a friend to you. I’ve watched you all day and I like you.

Chapter 4 Lessons Learned

Even if you have plans for the day, unexpected things can still happen which will mess things up.

Lesson Learned – Always have a plan B.

Sometimes you just have to endure the rain to get to the sunshine on the other side.

Lesson Learned – After every dark night, there is a dawn.

Wilbur has an obsessive relationship with his food. He knows the textures, the different flavors.  It’s fair to say that he lives for food, but because he is so lonely, Wilbur can’t eat. Clever pig.

Lesson Learned – It’s true, sometimes you don’t want food, you want love.

Wilbur is so lonely that he cries, feels dejected, and wants to give up.

Lesson learned – Loneliness is very, very  painful. If you know someone who is lonely, reach out to them. Today.

Wilbur tries to make friend with the goose, a lamb, and a rat. None of them want to be his friend.

Lesson Learned – there are times when you are better off not being friends with some people.

Something appears to be wrong with the pig, so he is given medication.

Lesson Learned – it’s important to figure out *why* you are in pain or are sick. Medication can’t fix everything.

Bonus lesson – If you’re hurting, try to tell someone so they will know best how to help. Don’t have someone give you tummy medication for a broken leg.

Wilbur hears a small voice in the darkness telling him that he has a friend.

Lesson Learned – Never, ever, ever give up.


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at

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