Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Lesson 1413 – Necessary Packing List for a Long Walk

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

A few days ago, I posted a list of Unnecessary (but necessary to me) items that I will be bringing on my Border-to-border New Hampshire walk.

It’s going to be a little tricky because for the most part (until we reach lower southern New Hampshire anyway) we are going to have to carry everything we need on our backs. If you’ve ever seen any hiking movie (Wild, A Walk in the Woods) you know that people (I) tend to over pack. I’ve always been the “well. we might need this” kind of person (if you doubt me check out the piles of Stuff in our house.)

Here’s one of my big concerns. Our longest days will be on the first two days (22 miles and 26 miles respectively.) We’re not going to have much leg or back muscle yet. We’re going to be carrying packs and walking a fair distance (after those two days, our longest day will be a breezy 16 miles.) Because of our joints we are going to have to be very, very careful. We can’t blow out our tires on the first few days.

The list of what we need to bring seems to get modified on a daily basis. Is that the lightest shirt we can bring? Do I really need to bring a full bottle of lotion? (I’m still struggling with this one but I’m thinking no.)

We will be walking through towns and so will be able to buy supplies as we run out and we will also be staying in homes and lodges along the way which will provide us a place to do some laundry (a sink is all we will need.)  But still, think about it. Having to carry everything you might possible need on a 200 mile 2-week walk is kind of daunting.

Clothing is actually the easiest to figure out. We’ll be wearing and packing those athletic sports shirts and shorts. They wick sweat away and wash and dry quickly (an unfortunate disadvantage of this clothing is that my post-6-baby-solidly-in-middle-age tummy will have nowhere to hide *groan*) Because we will be wearing half of our wardrobe at any one time, this is what we’ll need in the clothing department:

  • 1 short sleeve shirt
  • 1 long sleeve shirt
  • 1 pair of shorts
  • 1 long sleeping shirt (for me, Griffin will use shorts)
  • 2 (3) pairs of socks
  • 2 (3) pairs of underwear
  • 2 sports bras (lucky Griffin will not have to pack these)
  • Flip flops – we have to air our feet at night
  • Poncho
  • Hat
  • Maybe a light polar fleece shirt (will depend on the temps right before we leave, northern NH can get chilly at night)

The rest of what we’ll need is *things.* toiletries, medicines, and first aid supplies (which includes a “bear horn”, yup a bear horn.)

I’ll also have to pack my electronics – phone, charger, batteries, nano, and a small laptop (how else would I be able to write about this walk and put it on social media?) Of course if you’re going to carry electronics, you’d better have some waterproof bags to put them in. Add those to the list.

Let’s not forget two large water bottles. If the weather is as hot as it’s been, we’ll need access to a constant supply of water, especially up north.

And of course, I’ll need a book (or two – I can always drop off those I have finished reading along the way.)

Griffin and I are going to do a practice pack this weekend, we’ll see what the weight comes in at. Depending on that final value though, I might just have to leave some of those unnecessary (but necessary to me) items behind.😦

If you see someone with this pack walking NH - say

If you see someone with this pack walking NH – say “hi”


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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