Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Lesson 1394 – Robert Conrad’s Killer (and I’m Not Kidding) Potato Casserole

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

I hesitated on writing this post because I love me some Robert Conrad. Ever since his Wild, Wild West days I’ve been one of his fans. Which is why, when I found this vintage recipe among my yard sale stash, I was excited to make it.

That is I was excited until I read the ingredients – margarine (an entire stick) cream of chicken soup, sour cream, cheese.

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My God, Robert Conrad is trying to kill my family.

But, you know me. I had to try it. So I went ahead – although I substituted a stick (STICK) of butter for the margarine (do they even sell margarine anymore?)

What I got was a dense, incredibly rich, gooey, and flavorful  dish. A small piece was all you needed (but who stopped at one?) and it was exactly what was advertised – a tasty potato casserole. No false marketing here.


Okay so I forgot to add the Cornflake crumbs

But what I also go was something that was so filled with fat it dripped grease when the pan was tipped to one side.

Not exactly heart healthy

Not exactly heart healthy

So while I’ve heard from a few people that they love this old, cherished recipe – that’s it’s a family favorite and  it gets eaten first at potlucks, I’m afraid that this is a “one and done” for us. I’d rather spend my 583 calories (ON ONE SERVING!!! and look at that fat content!!) somewhere else.

I realize that this recipe was created many years ago when we didn’t know/care about healthy diets, but Robert, take it easy on this casserole – we love you and  want you to stay around for a lot longer. How about coming up with a healthier casserole recipe? (You know I’d make it.)


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at

Also, join her on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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