I can’t get enough of these baby robins. The mom and dad are very tolerant of me – I coo to them and they no longer fly across the street when I come outside and instead just move to the end of the porch. As long as I bribe them with blueberries they don’t seem to mind me getting near the nest (and then leaving quickly.)
It looks like one of the chicks didn’t make it (four eggs hatched) but honestly with how these little guys are growing so quickly I’m not sure the nest would have supported 4 chicks. All chicks have opened their eyes and the feather growth is nothing short of amazing. It’s such a pleasure and honor to be able to see all this.

I did have a little heart attack when I realized the nest was tilting too far over. I was afraid the chicks would end up falling out, especially when they craned their necks reaching out and up.

My solution? I rotated the wreath and added a wire clothes hanger brace to hold it in place. It took some time for the parents to return to the nest, but when they did all was good. Us mamas have to look out for each other.

Have a great weekend, go out and enjoy the day this is given to us.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at [email protected]
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