I missed my Lyme entry yesterday. The semester has started. I was at the college for most of the day and then went to Concord to see a friend and author.
![new hampshire](https://simplethrift.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/new-hampshire.gif?w=286&h=300)
People knowing about our walk is good. In the end, the more people who know about it, the more people will know about the effects of Chronic Lyme disease – even on people who have been treated (damage is damage). And of course there is also the safety factor – the more people who know about our walk, the more people will be looking out for us. (Once a mama hen always a mama hen.)
And speaking of safety, I’m going to have to check with my orthopedic doc about my left knee before the walk. Between the Lyme arthritis and my physical damage (hit by a car when 16 and have since had 14 ops on that knee) I might have to do this walk in a brace. I can feel that the time left on this knee is short (I’ve been a candidate for a knee replacement for some time) and I really want to do this walk with my own knees (the last hurrah?) Griffin will also need to be checked out to make sure his joints can support this kind of effort.We’ve already started on a training schedule so that by the spring, we’ll be able to tolerate walking 13 – 20 miles at a time.
So you see, this walk is very important for both of us.
Right now we are not officially affiliated with anyone. Our original intent was for two people whose lives have been altered by Lyme disease to prove to ourselves that we can still do something pretty remarkable.
But I also know that this is a prime opportunity to get the word out about Lyme disease in New Hampshire and quite frankly around the world (Australia, I’m looking at you.) Maybe we can do this on our own simply by doing our walk. Maybe it would be better to partner with an organization.
Not sure at all at this point, but we’ve got time.
I just know that on May 14th, my son and I will be leaving Pittsburg, NH and we will begin our walk down to Nashua, NH (where I think we’ll end it by celebrating in one of those great pubs on Main Street.)