Animals & Wildlife Magazine

Lesson 1312 – My Cup of Tea

By Wendythomas @wendyenthomas

It can be difficult work being a writer. There are good times when the work seems to come in a regular flow and there are tough times when you have no idea from where your next assignment will arrive.

Please Gods of contracts, send me some work.

What makes it so difficult (and yet so very, very exciting) is that every day I have to meet deadlines. Sometimes I have article that come due, sometimes it’s technical writing projects, and then there are my writing class plans that need to be prepared (along with the grading what seems like millions of essays.)

There are blog posts that need to be written, pitches that need to be composed, (because if there’s no work lined up, then there’s no work lined up) and on the side, I chip away at my personal projects that I hope to get into print someday.

It’s a crazy, frenetic and creative lifestyle which is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea.

But which is definitely mine.

Being a writer means putting and keeping my butt in my chair while I do my work. It means sticking with it

As a writer of stories, it also means having a constant internal discussion of “What if this happened?”, “What if I tried to solve the problem by doing this?”and “What would happen if we didn’t have that?”

Being a writer means living in my head while my butt is grounded in my chair.

But don’t get me wrong. There are *tons* of positive things about being a freelance writer. I get to choose my jobs, I get to be home when the kids come home from school, and I get to be one with my imagination.

For me this is definitely and absolutely my cup of tea.

And besides, my job comes with some pretty sweet perks.

This is Pippin helping me think

This is Pippin helping me think


Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at [email protected]

Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.

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