Last night at our local Barnes & Noble, I went to see author Gregory Maguire. He was just starting the book tour for his newest “crossover” (which means it’s for young adults as well as adults) book – Egg & Spoon – described by Maguire as “like The Prince and the Pauper, but with girls – meets Frozen, but the world is melting.”

Screw being a professional journalist, last night I was a giddy, breathless mega-fan. O.M.G! O.M.G!
You might be saying, who the heck is Gregory Maguire and why do I appear to have such an intense author crush on him?
Gregory’s written many books, but you might recognize him from a little book he wrote a few years back called “Wicked.” Yup, *that* Wicked.
NOW DO YOU SEE WHY I WAS SO JAZZED TO SEE HIM????? I remember when I got my copy of Wicked one Christmas many years back. I sat on the top stair in order to be hidden from the kids so that I could read. I stayed up late, I took the book with me into the bathroom (again to get away from the kids), I read and read and read and when I was done, I continued the story in my mind.
And then I read it again.
How, I thought, as I turned page after page, does one person write such an intelligent and compelling story that makes so many spot on observations about society and politics? I am still awed by the splendor that is Wicked.
Gregory first gave a talk and then he did a reading from Egg & Spoon (and when Gregory does a reading, he puts his heart and soul into it, the man loves his acting.) He then answered some questions (he said I asked an “excellent question” – it was a chicken/egg question. Note to budding authors, if you ever have a book tour, tell someone that they’ve asked an excellent question and you will absolutely make their day.)
Afterward, he signed books and took pictures with his fans. Being the Good Egg that he is, this is what he did when I asked him if he would pose with my Lego Mama Hen.

Le sigh – such talent, such grace, brains, passion, and humor – the world can simply never have enough truly shining authors like Gregory Maguire.

for Wendy!
Very best clucks to you!
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at [email protected]
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