The power of tiny steps. If you don’t think that tiny steps make a difference when on a journey, listen to this story.
After I “tinified” the key rack and the side table, I found a basket of clothing just outside of my daughters’ bedroom. A tiny bit of a miracle in my estimation – my girls are voluntarily getting rid of stuff? Normally something like that might have stayed there (with everyone tripping over it) until I got around to “finding the time to go through it.” (hint, I almost never find the time to go through things like this.)
But you know what? The basket wasn’t that big, and besides, the casserole still had about 15 minutes to go (which meant that I *did* have the time), so I grabbed the clothes to do a quick sort. (Just making sure that they didn’t accidentally include their swim team bathing suit like they did one time – which then had to immediately be replaced – have you priced women’s race suits lately?) Within a few minutes, I had gone from this:

To this:

Yes, I even gave the basket away (after we found the handle) because how many baskets does one family really need?
And there was still time before the casserole was done.
The clothes were packed up and put in the car to be donated. A tiny (really tiny) step? you bet! But more stuff that we didn’t need has moved out of our big house and it feels good. We won’t get to the end of our journey today, and probably not even tomorrow, but be assured, we will eventually live tiny in a big house.
(yeah, I know our floors are trashed, it a combination of a very old house and a million scuffing feet – right now that’s the least of our worries, but someday…)
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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