I received this email yesterday:
Hi Wendy! :)
Sorry to bother you but had a quick question.
I recently acquired 2 marans; a splash & a copper and although I love them they aren’t getting along with my other birds. Then I remembered you were looking for a couple and didn’t know if you were still looking?? They are about 10 months old and the splash is laying about a 3 on the maran scale and the copper a 4. Although the lady I got them from said when they started laying they were darker; the splash a 4 and the copper a 5. I got them a couple weeks ago from a lady who has a NPIP flock. She breeds Cream Legbars, Marans, and some Barnevelers. I would love to see them go somewhere local before I put an ad out. So if you do not want them, do you know someone who does? I hate to part with them but they are not jelling and tainting the vibe of the flock. The splash is a little bit of a bully only to the younger birds, but I believe its b/c she is getting bullied by the other 2 newbies I got around the same time. The copper minds her own business, but I would want them to go together.
Guess who’s getting a new Copper and a new Splash Marans this morning?

Splash Marans

Black Copper Marans
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at Wendy@SimpleThrift.com
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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