They finally came!
At Easter, two of our kids found mustache photopaddles in their baskets. Why not? They looked like a fun little thing and the best part was that they contained no added sugar. Win-win for everyone! (especially this Easter bunny who has declared war against added sugar.)
We immediately started using these tools, which freely defines themselves as “super low-tech Photoshop.” (Basically, it’s a plastic paddle that you hold in front of your camera.)
First we had a dog with a mustache.

Then a

The possibilities were endless. I posted a few shots on Facebook and people wanted to know where I got these. The problem? They were found in a discount bin at a factory outlet store.
Knowing that all answers come from the internet, I did a little digging and sure enough. Not only did I find them, but I found out that they have several other designs.
I ordered five.

Kissy puppy anyone?

yes, there really is a dog under all that hair.
Oh look, that’s Charlie.

Don’t touch that, its poison ivy.

And lastly, when I sent the kids out with the paddles to create a photo, this is what they ended up with. Such clever chicks.

Low-tech, good old-fashioned (digital) fun, sometimes it’s the simple things that bring the most enjoyment. What a smart bunny our Easter Rabbit turned out to be.
Note: I am not being compensated by Photopaddles. I just think these paddles are a lot of fun.
Wendy Thomas writes about the lessons learned while raising children and chickens in New Hampshire. Contact her at
Also, join me on Facebook to find out more about the flock (children and chickens) and see some pretty funny chicken jokes, photos of tiny houses, and even a recipe or two.
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