I always said and thought jumpsuits were totally 'uncool' but I seem to be completely contradicting myself as right now I love them. Obviously one of my main issues is the whole toilet situation but being honest that hasn't been as much bother as I'd previously imagined. My last jumpsuit was a 'safe' black one but this is an exciting animal print one from George at Asda... for £16! Bargain alert. Now, I would never wear this sort of loud jumpsuit with heels on a night out as I'd feel a bit TOWIE or Geordie Shore, but with some cute sandals for a holiday is perfect.What I'm wearing Jumpsuit - George Asda Animal Print Jumpsuit* - £16 Necklace - Topshop Chunky Yellow Necklace Bangle - Vintage Watch - Mickey Mouse White Watch - £40.00Sandals - Moda in Pelle Tiziana in Gold - £27.00I personally wouldn't advise really going too over the top or extravagant with your accessories if you decide to wear a patterned jumpsuit.Wear this early evening on your holiday when heading for a cocktail or perhaps even as your traveling to and from outfit. Nice and casual but more dressed up than jeans and a tshirt. I bloody love a holiday jumpsuit! Anniexoxo