Thursday, December 17, 2020
Likely to get a happy news. Today instead of just sitting around-why not get involved in something- which will improve your earning power. Friends and relatives will demand more attention but this is the perfect time to close the doors to the world and treat yourself royally. Romantic feelings will be reciprocated today. With little obstacles-this seems to be a day of great achievements- Watch for colleagues who might tend to be moody if they don’t get what they want. You can spend your free time at the house of someone close to you in the evening. But during this time, you can feel bad about something said by them and come back earlier than expected. Your spouse will push the rewind button of those early stage love and romance today.
To get your accurate horoscope daily on your smartphone, download now – AstroSage Kundli appLucky Number :- 9
Lucky Color :- Red and Maroon
Remedy :- Feed the dogs rotis/bread prepared and baked in clay oven for excellent growth in profession.
Today’s Rating
Leo daily horoscope will help you to know proactively about your day to day tasks. You will be informed
on prior basis regarding the expected happening of any event or anything went wrong in order to take
remedial actions. Leo horoscope will guide you to
overcome any mishap. You can put the remedy to use before commencing of any event.
In HIndu Astrology, one needs to check the right moment to commence any activity. For that, people in
India do believe in panchang or Indian or Hindu calendar
to see the auspicious time or muhurat.
If you wish to know more about your routine tasks, you need to understand first about Leo zodiac sign.
We have mentioned below all about the Leo Zodiac sign. You might have certain questions such as “Who
is a Leo most compatible with?”, “What are the
characteristics of a Leo?” or “Do Leos like lot of attention?”. These all kind of questions
may arise into your mind if you are curious to know about Leo zodiac or Leo
ascendant. We have described all these questions below for you to understand it better. Leo
horoscope today will help you know more about Leo routine tasks, however, before proceeding towards
about Leo daily horoscope,
you need to understand first about the Leo Zodiac sign:
What is Leo Zodiac Sign?
Leo daily horoscope is based on the fifth sign of Kaal Purush
Kundali. It is also the fifth sign of zodiac belt. It is of 30 degree in longitude, extends
from 120 degree from vernal equinox (or Mesha 0 degree to 150 degree. It contains full pada of Magha
Nakshatra, full pada of
Purva Phalguni and first pada of Uttara Phalguni. Leo is the second sign of fiery triplicity
as Aries is the first one.
Leo is hot, masculine, dry, positive and barren sign. It is also a fixed sign. It is ruled by the planet
Sun. Only Sun and Moon are two luminaries who govern
one sign in zodiac, Leo and Cancer respectively. Moon,
Mars, Jupiter are considered as friendly planets for Leo and Saturn, Venus and Mercury are inimical
to it while transiting in Leo. Neptune gets strengthened here whereas Uranus gets weakened. No planet
either gets exalted or debilitated in Leo sign. It is a royal sign as ruled by the planet Sun, which
acts like a king in celestial cabinet. Leo daily horoscope will enable you to know more about the Leo
sign and its temperament. Let’s discuss about the characteristics of Leo born people:
Leo Born people and their Physical Appearance
As we have discussed about the Leo zodiac sign. Now we will see the basic physical appearance of Leo
born people. Leo horoscope today will help you to know in depth about Leo born people as it will provide
information regarding your day to day tasks.
- They have well developed bones, broad shoulders and forehead.
- They have tall, well built and muscular stature.
- His stature will be full and his appearance will be majestic, imposing, commanding and dignified.
- Their complexion will vary according to the exact position of ascendant and also the planets aspecting
lagna. - They will never be plumpy or ugly.
Characteristics for Leo Born People
As we have explained about the physical appearance of Leo born people, now we will discuss about the
characteristics of Leo born people. If you want to update yourself on daily basis with your Leo rising
sign, then you need to read our Leo horoscope today. It can provide you the brief about Leo daily horoscope.
Let’s find below the general traits of Leo born people:
- People born under this sign are noble, large-hearted, magnanimous and generous.
- They are very helpful to mankind and also for other creations of God like Sun. Sun illuminates the world.
We can only see brightness due to Sunlight. It provides a ray of hope to everyone. - They have dignity, and faith in all friends and relatives as they confide everything in them.
- They have the capability to inspire affection and admiration. Generally, they become the head of the
show, registrar, ruler, host, hostess, ruler, chairman, managing director and chief of any organization
and they will also continue the same work for a longer period of time. - They do not hesitate to issue any order and do not talk much. Their main characteristic is their silent
nature. - They will hear very patiently all the even menial complaints and pay attention to every rumor. They
leave all talkings to others. They take wise decisions. - They possess endless energy to serve their people. They forgive or forget the mistakes or deficiency
of others. They do not see false prestige in them. - They mingle with every age or status of people. They can easily mix up with high profile as well as
menial people as well. - They trust everybody and then it doesn’t mean if they are cheated and disappointed. They live in the
world of their own creation. - People born under Leo sign are pleased by the praise of others. They have organising powers and are
constructive, inventive, magnanimous and ingenious. - They have an access to authority due to fixed and fiery sign along with ambition, brilliance and boasting,
commanding and clever action, energy and enthusiasm, faith and fame, glory and grace, intellect and
inspiration, kindness and kindliness, leadership and loyalty, pomp and pride, vitality and vigour etc. - Due to fifth sign of the zodiac, they possess extraordinary zeal and enthusiasm for sports and speculation.
They may take interest in music, opera, games etc. - Due to fixed sign of the zodiac, they are obstinate or indifferent, reason being firmness and fixity.
- They possess will power to win their way, much to their entire satisfaction. They are frank, open, noble
and lofty in character. Their outburst do not last long like heat of Sun. - They do not hesitate to serve those to whom they love. As the nature is authoritative, hence they do
not like subordination.
What does Leo sign signify in various aspects of life?
We have described about inherent traits of Leo sign. However, you must also know about the various aspects
of life which are represented by Leo sign. You can read about Leo horoscope today for daily affected
areas of your life. We have provided you some parameters below representing Leo sign in vedic astrology.
- Environment: Their health is related to relaxation. They feel cheerful if they have absolute
peace, harmony and happiness. They want their family environment co-operative, obedient and grateful.
They want to be a leader in the house, their family members to have a broad outlook and be magnanimous
and noble and have good friends. They do not show hesitation to spend money to maintain prestige and
honour. They like to spend much on dress, screen cloth, curtains, furniture etc. and keep their home
tidy with all attractive trimmings, decoration etc. - Profession: Sun, being the ruler of Leo sign, would direct towards to the own choice of the profession.
They will be involved with the higher positions in commerce or government. Due to fixed nature of this
sign, one may have fixed income, security of service under the government, etc. It is the fifth sign
of Zodiac, so one may earn through speculation, music, theatre, opera etc. Being a fiery sign, one may
involve in works related to jeweller, goldsmith or precious metals. This sign provides executive ability,
which is why one will be fit to manage great enterprises. Presidents, managers of corporations, managing
director, officers, superintendents, directors, captains, sales managers are born in Leo. - Health: They have splendid constitution. If they fall ill, they will try to recover very soon
from any illness. Leo indicates heart, spinal column, spinal marrow nerves and fiber. This sign influences
bone, interspinal muscles etc. Leo also rules over Anterior as well as posterior coronary, Aorta, Vena
Cava. - Disease: It represents heart disease, palpitation, spinal meningitis, Syncope, locomotor ataxia,
inflammations, sunstroke, giddiness pestilence. One may also suffer with the diseases like Epilepsy,
rheumatic fever if the ascendant is afflicted by Mars and Saturn respectively. - Marriage: They are romantic in nature and love their partner deeply. They are the ideal lover
as they are fiery and passionate. They will have abundant charm and be attractive to the opposite sex.
They are very proud of their family. They will never allow anybody to disrespect their husband/wife
or any member of their family. Since it is a fiery sign, hence the well suited partners for these sign
people can be the other fiery signs like Aries, Sagittarius or any other airy signs can also be the
better match like Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. - Lucky Days: Sundays are good, Monday should be avoided, Tuesdays are good for any auspicious
works, try for luck on Wednesdays like sign your documents, register on Wednesday. Lend money on Thursday,
purchase assets for your family on Thursdays. Fridays are auspicious for short journeys, transfer and
promotion. Saturdays should be avoided. - Lucky Colour: Orange, Red, Green. Avoid Blue and White.
- Lucky Stone: Ruby, Emerald
- Lucky Number: 1, 4, 5, 9, 6 avoid 2, 7 and 8. Mixed results can be expected through number 3.
- Places: High hills, forests, deserts, royal palaces, castles, mansions, government buildings,
social club houses, playgrounds for children, dance hall, race course, sports, betting etc. Stock exchange,
industry, gold mines, mint, chimney, furnace, oven, stoves, kitchen, open terrace etc.
What do all 12 houses signify for Leo Born People?
Houses in astrology play prominent role
in Vedic Astrology. We have described temperaments and characteristics for Leo born people so that you
can understand better about Leo sign. For more details about Leo sign on daily basis, you must read
our Leo horoscope today for day to day tasks. Our Leo daily horoscope will guide you for your routine
tasks. Now let’s understand below how the houses play important role for Leo ascendant or Leo
moon sign:
- First House: This house denotes about “yourself”. Leo itself rules over the first house for Leo
born people. It is ruled by the planet Sun. - Second House: This house shows the Family, Wealth, and Finances. Virgo is governed by the planet
Mercury and it governs the second house for Leo born people. - Third house: Third house indicates Communication & Siblings in any horoscope. Libra rules
over this house of astrology for Leo born and its ruling planet is Mercury. - Fourth House: It indicates “Sukhsthana” or the house of mother. Scorpio rules over fourth house
for Leo born people and its ruling planet is Mars. - Fifth House: It represents Children and Education. Sagittarius rules over
fifth house and the ruling planet for this house is Jupiter. - Sixth House: Sixth House shows debt, disease and enemy. Capricorn rules over Sixth house for
Leo born and the ruling planet of this house is Saturn. - Seventh House: It indicates the partnership, spouse and marriage. Aquarius rules over seventh
house for Leo born and the ruling planet is Saturn. - Eighth House: It denotes “Longevity” and “Mystery”. Pisces rules over
eighth house and the ruling planet of this sign is Jupiter. - Ninth House: This house shows “Guru/Teacher” & “Religion”. Aries rules over Ninth house for
Leo rising and the ruling planet is Mars for this sign. - Tenth House: This house denotes career or profession or Karma sthana. Taurus rules over tenth
house for Leo born people and the ruling planet is Venus. - Eleventh House: Eleventh house represents the gains and incomes. Gemini occupies eleventh house
for Leo Born people and the ruling planet is Mercury. - Twelfth House: Twelfth house represents the expenditure and losses. Cancer occupies this house
for Leo born people and it is ruled by the planet Moon.
Hence Leo sign is very prominent sign as it is the fifth sign and also governed by the planet Sun which
is the center planet astronomically, which provides the light energy to the other planets. I hope you
like our Leo horoscope today report, if you are Leo born, you may have an idea about your inherent traits
through this report.
» Weekly
Monday, December 14, 2020 – Sunday, December 20, 2020
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» Weekly Leo Love Horoscope
Monday, December 14, 2020 – Sunday, December 20, 2020
Leos will witness some positive changes in their love life during this week. Your loved one will support you in all the spher…
» Monthly
December, 2020
The horoscope of December 2020 states that four planets namely Venus, Sun, Mercury and Mars will change residences during thi…
» Yearly
Year 2020
The year brings mixed results for the zodiac sign Leo. There will be potential opportunities which can give your life a whole…
“The Lion” is the mascot of Leo which is the real king of animals. It’s the fifth sign of zodiac and is ruled by sun. Leos lo…
Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 9
Lucky colors: Orange, Gold, Red
Lucky day: Tuesday and Wednesday
I am :
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