Family Magazine

LEGO The Hobbit Will Add Third Film as DLC

By Boxmash

The newest LEGO game – The Hobbit – will release on April 8th. But it only contains the story of the first two Hobbit films: An Unexpected Journey and The Desolation of Smaug. The third film – There and Back Again – will finish the story, and these chapters will be added to the game as a downloadable episode.

The DLC with There and Back Again events in will launch around Christmas, just after the film releases in December. This will probably include levels defeating Smaug the dragon and the Battle of Five Armies.

The LEGO The Hobbit release date is April 8th on PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, and PC. The final Hobbit film – There and Back Again – releases December 12th.

To see some excellent LEGO The Hobbit gameplay action, take a look at at this ‘Buddy Up’ trailer.

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