Science Magazine

LEGO “Jurassic World” Trailer Released!

Posted on the 14 May 2015 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Lego has been pretty active in the last weeks to promote its brand thanks to giant movie projects.

TT Games and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment have released the latest trailer for LEGOJurassic World, the upcoming video game that allows players to relive the biggest moment from the Jurassic Park franchise in LEGO form.

Brand-new trailer puts the spotlight on the real stars of the franchise, the dinosuars: big dinos, tiny dinos, friendly dinos, angry dinos, flying dinos, battling dinos, goofy dinos, and – most importantly – playable dinos, over 20 different species of them.

WB has also revealed the retailer exclusive pre-order bonus items for LEGO Jurassic World. They are:

GameStop – LEGO Dino Trap Mini Playset
Target – Dr. Wu Minifigure
Walmart – $10 Movie Cash Certificate

Check the items below:

lego-jurassic-world-dr-wu-135723 (1)



LEGO “Jurassic World” releases on June 12 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and Windows PC, the same day that Jurassic World arrives in theaters.


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