
Legend of Mushroom Relics Guide – Updated 2024

Posted on the 16 April 2024 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 16 April, 2024

You love Legend of Mushroom so much that you want to go on even more adventures. Our full guide to the Legend of Mushroom Relics is back for you next time.

You will know exactly what skills each of them has and what benefits they’ll give you after we tell you all about them. Get the weapons ready, mushrooms! It’s time for the fight of the Legend of Mushroom treasures!

Legend of Mushroom Relics

We looked at the Pal that can help you get stronger and win all of your fights. Your new things, Relics, start to make sense now that you’ve reached a certain level. What are they, though?

Legend of Mushroom’s Relics are things that give you extra damage and make some of your skills better. Relic Fragments are what you need to get them. You get one every time you finish a level in the City in Ruins.

They are split into 7 groups, each containing 5 items. The whole list is below:

  • Masks: Bonded Mask, Arrow King Mask, Ironclad Mask, Priest Mask, and Demon Mask.
  • Fossils: Thundercaller Kite, Gold Eggshell, Whirlwind Feather, Amber Snail, and Dragonweave Circlet.
  • Underground Treasures: Arrow Bamboo, Blue Snowflake, Blessed Dew, Magic Box, and Metamorphic Crystal
  • Books: Flame Book, Beasthide Book, Immunity Book, Healing Book, and Stonewrit Tome
  • Statues: Energy statue, Cage statue, Crystal statue, Time statue, and Asteroth statue.
  • Necklaces: Shield Necklace, Crimson Sickle Necklace, Storm Necklace, Spirit Necklace, and Abyss Necklace.

The last group, called ‘Spores’, remains a total secret to many players, so we’ll be sure to keep you informed as quickly as this feature is opened.

Legend of Mushroom Relics: Masks

Masks are among the first Legend of Mushroom Relics you’ll unlock as you progress. It’s important to consider your class’s main traits to create real harmony between your items and improve your stats.

Here are the features of the Legend of Mushroom Relic Masks in detail:

Relics Features

Legend of Mushroom Relic Bonded Mask

Bonded Mask

Critical Strike +10

Legend of Mushroom Relic Arrow King Mask

Arrow King Mask

+10% Combo

Ironclad Mask Reliques Legend of Mushroom

Ironclad Mask

Counter Attack +10

Legend of Mushroom Relic Priest Mask

Priest Mask

Evasion +5

Legend of Mushroom relic Demon's Mask

Demon’s Mask

Skill Crit Rate +5

Fossils, and other LoM relics to discover

Fossils, a kind of Legend of Mushroom relic, may improve your friends’ abilities and boost the strength of your strongest teams. The Legend of Mushroom Relic Fossils and Their Abilities:

Relics Features

Thundercaller Kite Relics Legend of Mushroom

Thundercaller Kite

Summons lightning once the active skill is triggered, inflicting 670% damage

Coquille dOeuf dOr Reliques Legend of Mushroom

Gilded Eggshell

Hen Pal continually tosses 5 eggs every 10 seconds, causing 1241% damage.

Whirlwind Feather Relics Legend of Mushroom

Whirlwind Feather

Elf Sidekick ATK speed +16.67%.

Escargot dAmbre Reliques Legend of Mushroom

Amber Snail

Snail and Hydro-Elf Pal damage +8.75

Legend of Mushroom Dragon Relic Back Ring

Dragonweave Circlet

Normal Dragon, Turtle, and Lizard Acolyte ATK have a 20% chance of dealing damage that is equal to 0.5% of maximum HP.

Legend of Mushroom Relics: Underground Treasures

The Underground Treasure is a set of Legend of Mushroom Relics whose powers will also affect your Pal. Now you know which Pal to choose to help you in your fights.

Relics Features

Legend of Mushroom Relic Arrow Bamboo

Arrow Bamboo

Panda Sidekick Critical Crit +20

Bleu Snowflake Reliques Legend of Mushroom

Bleu Snowflake

Snow sprite Pal throws a large snowball every 12 seconds, dealing 1459% damage

Blessed Dew Relics Legend of Mushroom

Blessed Dew

Cactus Pal Combo +18.4

Legend of Mushroom Magic Relic Box

Magic Box

Cat and Deer Pal damage +20.54

Legend of Mushroom Relic bonding crystal

Metamorphic Crystal

Dog, Fox, and Octopus Pal Attack Speed +5.84

LoM Relics: the Books

Selecting the right books may provide a significant advantage while fighting end-of-level bosses. Improving these skills will increase your power in PvE combat.

Learn everything about the Legend of Mushroom Relic Books.

Relics Features

Reliques LoM Flame Book

Flame Book

Increases ATK by 1% for each second that elapses after the start of combat, up to a maximum of 10%.

Beasthide Book relics Legend of Mushroom

Beasthide Book

Damage inflicted on the boss +20

Livre dImmunité Reliques LoM

Immunity book

After reaching Boss level, immune to damage for 3 seconds when HP drops below 70% for the 1st time.

Healing Book Relics Guide LoM

Healing Book

Ami 10% of HP lost every 5 seconds when affixed to a Boss level

Reliques Legend of Mushroom Livre de Pierre

Stonewrit Tome of Veins

Normal ATK, Pal, Counter, and Combo DMG damage reduction

For any more advice on Legend of Mushroom, visit our dedicated guide page!

Statues, other Legend of Mushroom relics

The statues in the Legend of Mushroom Relics will enhance your abilities. Choose talents that align with your class’s requirements. To assist you in your selection, below is a list of Statues in the Relics.

Relics Features

Legend of Mushroom Energy Statue

Energy Statue

Batty Trace, Nature’s Renewal, and Shroom Shield damage +30

Legend of Mushroom Reliques Cage Statue

Cage Statue

Durian Bomb, Easy Breezy, and Take it Slow Effects +30

Statue dIllusion LoM

Crystal Statue of Illusion

Gold Coin Bomb, Slime Bomb, and Meteor Fall +30% effect

Time Statue Lom

Time Statue

Duration of Disarm, Dazzle, and Smoke Bomb effects +50

Asteroth Relics Legend of Mushroom Statue

Stellar Statue

Duration of Hundred Slashes, Worldly Snare, and Starr Array +50% effects

Legend of Mushroom Necklaces

Necklaces improve talents and enhance their features. Knowing the specifics might help you select the best option for you, rather than simply the one that matches your skin tone.

Discover the advantages of the legendary Mushroom Relic Necklaces.

Relics Features

Legend of Mushroom Relic Shield Necklace

Shield Necklace

Grim Reaper +80% damage

Crimson Sickle Necklace Legend of Mushroom Relics

Crimson Sickle Necklace

By triggering the passage of the Wild Gust and Blade Pierce, HP equal to 2.5% of max HP are Ami’d

Legendof Mushroom Relic Storm Necklace

Storm Necklace

Summoned units with the Arrival of Heroic Descent and Clone Strike ATK inflict 30% more damage.

Legend of Mushroom Relic Spirit Necklace

Spirit Collar

Normal attacks deal 15% more damage for the duration of the Blitz Assault

Legend of Mushroom Reliques Abyss Necklace

Abyss Necklace

Dragonic Resonance, Windobone Arrow, and Crimson Moonfall damage increased by 30

This concludes the Legend of Mushroom: Complete Relic Guide.

With the addition of an additional string to your Longbow, even if you are not an Archer, you may increase your strength and become invincible in both PvP and PvE battles.

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