Lifestyle Magazine

Lee Maelzer @ Poppy Sebire Gallery Until 23rd December

By Theneonhub @theneonhub

Image from Lee Maezer Exhibition @ Poppy Sebire Gallery

Til 23 December 2011
Film screening event: Thursday 15 December, 7pm

Lee Maelzer makes paintings about the human need to record events and places and the visual languages. For her first solo exhibition at Poppy Sebire Maelzer will show new works that further develop her fascination for the mediated image; whether that held in the mind, the camera, or the physical archive.

The London-based artist is known for her odd, beautiful and technically adept means of describing facets of the everyday in paint; this particular body of work reflects the experience of flipping through a pile of photographs.

Poppy Sebire
All Hallows Hall
6 Copperfield Street, SE1 0EP
Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am-6am

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