Spirituality Magazine

LeBron James & Wife Savannah James Making A Difference Through Their Foundation In Hometwon Of Akron, Ohio

By Firstladyb


LeBron James & Wife Savannah James Making A Difference Through Their Foundation In Hometwon Of Akron, Ohio

One of our favorite NBA couples, LeBron James and wife Savannah James are featured in the 125th anniversary edition of Vogue.  The couple is featured for the work they do with at risk youth through their foundation The LeBron James Family Foundation  in their hometown of Akron, Ohio.

Lebron James
From Vogue:

This year, the Jameses announced the radical step of establishing an entire new public elementary school for students identified as at-risk. It’s a powerful experiment that bucks the charter school–heavy trend of public education, radically proposing to give more to the students who have the least.

Michele Roberts is the head of the National Basketball Players Association, where James is on the executive committee. “He could write the checks and fund all the programs and not make an appearance,” Roberts says, “and no one would say a word. But he actually does believe that by the force of his personality, he can inspire young people—because he comes back. He talks to them. He keeps track. His engagement is phenomenal.”

LeBron James & Wife Savannah James Making A Difference Through Their Foundation In Hometwon Of Akron, Ohio

“If there’s nothing more you can do for a child, just constantly encourage them and set them on the right path when it comes to sports or their schoolwork or nurturing a hobby—with whatever it is. Just be a constant source of encouragement. That’s what LeBron talks about—never give up,” Savannah said.

We love it!!!!!!

To read more from inside the magazine, check for the 125th anniversary edition on newsstands.

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