Are you confused between LearnWorlds vs Thinkific? Struggling to know that which one is better and why?
If yes then stay tuned with us and find your idol one which fulfills all your requirements in one go. Let's start with the basic comparison!
This article is all about LearnWorlds vs Thinkific 2022 so stay tuned to know everything about this.
Online courses are created and sold by course creators on LearnWorlds and Thinkific. What's the best option for you? Check out this comparison between LearnWorlds vs Thinkific to learn more.
To start off, it is important that I point out that these platforms target slightly different audiences. Thinkific is an ideal solution for first-time course sellers who don't require advanced features.
Businesses, corporations, and larger course providers benefit most from LearnWorlds. What you need will depend on what you need.
It's obvious that the comparison is very close. These two platforms are both very good at what they do, so it is impossible to call a clear winner. What matters is what you are looking for.
With LearnWorlds, large course creators with advanced needs will have a premium platform at their fingertips. For beginners and single-course creators, Thinkific might be easier to use.
If I were you, I'd sign up for both Thinkific and LearnWorlds and try them both out to find out which one you prefer.
LearnWorlds vs Thinkific: Product Backgrounds
Let's have a look at the backgrounds of both platforms from scratch so that an individual can make their choice more easily.
Educators started using LearnWorlds in 2014 as a platform for providing courses. The funding helped it grow rapidly and it gained traction over the following years.
When it comes to creating intricate and detailed courses, LearnWorlds is one of the best around.
Among its users are small, independent creators as well as large, multi-million dollar companies. Although its advanced features are more suited to larger course providers than beginners.
As a small platform for businesses and individuals to create courses, Thinkific was created in 2012. It currently has around 100 employees and generates an estimated $15M in revenue each year.
Thinkific's easy-to-use interface is a big selling point. Even beginners can use this platform because of the drag-and-drop course builder.
While LearnWorlds and LearnWorlds share some similarities, their target audiences differ greatly. Thinkific is a better choice for individuals than LearnWorlds, which aims to be a premium course builder.
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LearnWorlds vs Thinkific: Course Creation
It's high time to explore the field of course creations of both platforms. Let's dive into this now.
LearnWorlds offers a great course creation process. Many platforms exist for creating courses, but few offer the level of detail you can have with this one.
While the interface is somewhat confusing at first, once you get into the course creation process, it becomes relatively simple.
The ability to add a video to your course, making the student experience unforgettable, is one of the big selling points. You have total control over how detailed you want to make your course.
Creating a relatively simple course can be accomplished quickly, or you can go deep and make the most detailed course available.
Thinkific's course creation has been talked about a lot, but I didn't believe it until I tried it for myself. The course creator is so easy to use that I was shocked!
It is easy to drag and drop files into the course using the drag-and-drop builder. Adding multimedia to the course is easy since it's very intuitive.
Also, drip content can be added, or you can make certain parts of the course mandatory before they can move on to the next chapter. You have full control over how you build your course.
LearnWorlds. Both platforms have very good course builders, so it's a close call. With its interactive videos, Winner:SCORM files, and gamification, LearnWorlds' course builder is a bit more powerful.
LearnWorlds vs Thinkific: Integrations & Features
Below is a brief comparison of both the platforms on the basis of their features and integrations which apparently make any software ace.
You're going to need some extra integrations even if your platform is premium like LearnWorlds.
Some of these features are already available in their Basic plan. While a higher-priced plan might offer better integrations and features.
Many integrations including Google Analytics, Zapier and Google Tag Manager, SumoMe, Hubspot, Intercom, Mailchimp, Mixpanel, and more, are supported.
Compared to other course creation platforms, LearnWorlds is a better choice - SCORM files, Interactive Videos, SSO, no transaction fees, 20+ administrators, and so on.
You can integrate Thinkific with email marketing platforms, such as ConvertKit, AWeber, Mailchimp, and ConstantContact.
Zapier is also available, enabling 1000+ additional integrations. ActiveCampaign and Infusionsoft are also notable integrations.
It depends on the plan you choose which features you will have access to. Although Thinkific has a number of nice features with the Basic plan, LearnWorlds is clearly superior at higher echelons.
Winner: LearnWorlds, but only due to its higher levels of features.
LearnWorlds vs Thinkific: Marketing Tools
Let's have a look at the marketing tools both the platforms give:
Integrations will be necessary for both platforms, especially for email marketing. A few basic tools are available, however.
Customize your sales page or landing page with LearnWorlds. Additionally, you can manage your affiliates and create 1-click funnels.
Additionally, Thinkific offers some basic marketing tools, but you will need emailing tools for a more thorough promotion.
There are similar tools to manage affiliates and sales pages here. In addition to managing your mailing list, you can do so with the Growth plan, but you'll be better off with one of the integrated tools.
Winner: Tie. There is a need for integrations between these two marketing tools for more comprehensive marketing.
LearnWorlds vs Thinkific: Support
Let's have a look at the customer support of both platforms:
With the basic plan, you'll receive 24/5 support, and with more advanced plans, you'll get 24/7 support. There is, however, no live chat or phone support.
LearnWorlds has fantastic support, however. Support agents are very responsive and friendly, and they are clearly concerned about your experience.
Even on the free plan, Thinkific provides friendly and accommodating customer service. If you have a question, they respond quickly.
Send them an email, give them a call, or chat with them. However, they aren't available 24 hours a day.
Winner: It's a tie since both of these platforms provide outstanding customer support, no matter which plans you choose.
Quick Links:Final Verdict: LearnWorlds vs Thinkific 2022
The scores are very tight. The platforms are both great, even though they cater to different audiences.
Thinkific caters to beginners and individuals who are looking to create courses easily, whereas LearningWorlds caters to large organizations seeking more features.