Languages Magazine

Learning Languages This Summer Helps Teens Affirm Their Independence

By Tlb
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Summer can now be felt during these times. You can already feel a distinctively sizzling heat from the sun when April is taking its time. Well, this is basically the perfect time to go the beaches, have a vacation, and enjoy an unmerited time with your family and friends. And of course, developing a teenager’s skills like sports and academics will also make summer the perfect time to do so, and this includes learning languages.

Speaking of learning languages, do you know that learning languages is one of the opportunities to “foster a healthy level of independence” among teens? An article was posted claiming that “the Royal College of Psychologists says that it is normal for adolescents to want to prove that they can survive in the world and make their own decisions. It is common, they explain, for teenagers to have and express strong opinions contrary to those of their parents.” This is why it explains the common frictions of parents-to-teens relationship. Teenagers will really believe that that they know many things already, and parents will have to do something with this quandary.

To learn languages among teenagers is one of the resolutions. Allowing them to enroll to a foreign language school opens a prospect to develop their independence. While other language schools have their systemized courses fit for a semester, there are also other language schools that imply language learning exclusive only during summer. Teenagers can choose to learn foreign languages on their own choices: Spanish, French, Russian or Italian languages are great options to choose from. They can choose to enroll within a group with their target language while their friends can join the class. It’ll be fun because teachers will be highly hyperactive so that teens can enjoy both the sizzling moments of summer and the opportunity to learn foreign languages all at the same time.

So if you are a parent who is now reading this article, don’t miss this opportunity to let your growing son or daughter develop their independence. If you are then this teenager who wants to explore the world and become independent without jeopardizing your “parent’s rules”, you may suggest this option to them. I’m sure; they will want this opportunity to give to you.

Learning languages during summer is the perfect time to spend a teenager’s summer in a wholesome way because they will not just enjoy traveling to a foreign language school. They will also have a wonderful time exploring the world, thus they indeed develop an independent attitude in due time.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful for parents to see their teenagers develop their independence and become matured and open-minded? Well, letting them learn languages is one of their best options.

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