What if experienced professionals could share their expertise and wisdom by mentoring non-profit organizations around the world?
As highlighted previously in CIPE blog (here and here), KnowHow is a virtual mentorship program that links the professional skills of volunteers with the needs of associations and chambers of commerce from around the world seeking technical assistance.
Join a conversation on Tuesday November 12, 2013 at 8 AM EST with two current KnowHow pairs to learn about the benefits of participating in the program. Hear how the Georgian Small and Medium Enterprise Association used the knowledge they gained from the mentorship to increase its membership by over 30% in less than a year. Discover what new insights and life-changing experiences the mentors have gained from sharing their expertise and experience with organizations overseas.
The webinar will feature two mentor-mentee pairs:
Peter O’Neil, Executive Director, American Industrial Hygiene Association
Olivera Popovic, Vice President, Association of Business Women in Serbia (ABW)
Elissa Myers, President & CEO, Advice & Consensus
Kakha Kokhreidze, President, Georgian Small and Medium Enterprise Association (GSMEA)