Spider Web - by Luc Viatour / www.Lucnix.be - via Wikimedia Commons
Today, since we live in the computer era, we have been exposed to almost the same English words that we used to know with different meanings based on the context of the Internet. Can you believe how bookmark is not made of paper anymore? Or a cookie can’t be eaten any longer? As sure as the minds can fathom, the Internet has completely turned the English language upside down and it definitely needs a learning to know them all.
So many words can be detailed as we learn language like these, but take time to know some even the slightest basics. Here are the lists:
Address (my typical residence to which the location where you live.)
This is the typical term for short that can be used as an email address, or a web address. It is how people in the internet can locate or contact you.
Chrome (we usually know this as a type of color, right?
It’s actually known as a browser produced by Google.
E-bay (bay, maybe, is what we like to call as the beach)
It’s now famously known as an online auction website.
File (papers with important information stacked properly)
It is a collection of data.
Hardware (this is where we buy things for our house, right?)
It is the bits of a computer that you can touch, made of metal, plastic, wires etc.
Icon (Like celebrity or political, icon, as we know of)
It is a small picture on a computer screen.
Java (I’ve always known this as one of the flavors in coffees and chocolates)
It is a computer language.
Mouse (cat’s enemy, basically)
It is a gadget that lets you communicate with your computer.
Page (is it from the book or any other pieces of writing?)
It’s actually short for a webpage.
Refresh button (refresh I mean, is to be quenched from thirst)
It means that it loads the current webpage again.
Safari (an African vicinity)
is a browser produced by Apple.
Spam (delicious canned meat)
It’s actually the email equivalent of junk mail.
Terminal (This is where I ride a bus or any vehicle going to a far destination)
It is another word for a computer, particularly one connected to other computers, such as in the internet.
Thread (needle’s partner)
It is a collection of messages with the same subject heading within a discussion forum.
Virus (causes me to get sick)
It is a program written by a malevolent person, which copies itself from one computer to another. It might damage the computer’s software as well.
Web (Spider’s production to build its home?)
It is short for the World Wide Web.
Window (part of the house)
It is the box, headed with a blue bar, which shows you what is happening at the moment.
Zip (a file means to compress it using special software, such as Winzip.
Surely, when you learn English at language school, you will be taught how to use these words according to context. J Enjoyable, isn’t it?