I can’t believe that school will be starting soon and in some areas classes have already started. It is crazy to think about who fast this summer has gone by. Last weekend I decided to take advantage of tax free weekend and I bought my children most of the items that they will need on the first day of school. I also bought extra basic school supplies and refilled my box of extra school supplies so that I have all of the basic supplies that my child might need throughout the school year. If you are like me, I love to label all of my children’s school supplies so that they can easily identify their supplies, lunchbox, and anything else that they have to take to school. I haven’t had a chance to label any of their school supplies yet. Do you take the time to label or mark all of your children’s belonging’s before they go back to school? If so, how do you label each of your child’s items?
Disclosure: All information in this post is my own and may differ from your own opinions. The opinions reflected in this post is based upon my own experience with labeling back to school items and articles of clothing.
Labeling Your Child’s Belongings with a Sharpie Marker
Sharpie markers are a great way to label your child’s stuff. This method of labeling your child’s stuff is time consuming, especially, if you are like me and want to label each pen, pencil, crayon, marker, ect. I am probably a bit OCD but I want to make it easy for my children to be able to easily identify their belongings. A sharpie marker is fairly permanent and even works well for labeling clothing, lunch boxes, and all of their school supplies.
Sharpie makers don’t work very well on items that have to be washed on a daily basis. I have tried using a sharpie on my son’s bottles and sippy cups but the marker always comes off. I need to find another solution to label his stuff so that I don’t have to constantly rewrite his name on his stuff.
Label Articles of Clothing With Laundry Tape
I remember when I went to camp as a child, my mom had to label all of my clothing items before I went off to camp. She ended up buying some laundry tape. Laundry tape is fairly inexpensive and can be easily removed. It is simple to add a strip of laundry tape to the inside of your clothing. However, if you are sensitive to tags or tape it is possible that the tape might irritate your skin. Also, it is possible that the laundry tape can come off when the article of clothing when it is washed. Tape can also leave a sticky residue when it is removed. Laundry labels are great if you plan on handing clothes down to another sibling or someone else who needs them.
Label Articles of Clothing With Laundry Markers
Laundry markers are specifically made to label articles of clothing. A laundry marker is easy to use and offers parent’s a permanent solution to making sure that their clothing items are properly labeled, especially, back packs, jackets, gym clothes, ect I have found it best to use a laundry makers on clothing tags, bottom fold on a t-shirt, waist band, or a collar because it is possible for the ink to bleed through the clothing, especially, light weight materials. If you intend on handing your child’s clothes down, a permanent marking might make the new recipient unhappy.
Use Mabel’s Labels to Mark All of Your Child’s Belongings and Clothing
As a mom, I am always looking for an easier way to label my children’s belongings so that I don’t have to spend hours of my time writing their name or initials on all of their school items. Plus, I never have to worry about ruining their clothing using permanent marker. I often give my child’s clothing to people who need it. Mabel’s Labels offer parents an alternative solution which makes labeling your child’s belongings fast and easy. You can order a wide variety of custom labels, bag tags, and wrist bands for each one of your children. All of their labels are durable, dishwasher safe, microwave safe, and UV resistant so that you don’t have to worry about the label fading. They even offer waterproof tags, so that you can label items that have to be washed.
If you have a picky tween or teenager, they have a selection of labels that are fun and they are specially designed for your older children in mind. They can even use the labels to decorate the items that they want to label such as notebooks, spirals, ect.
Does your child have a food allergy? If so, they even make alert labels so that you can mark your child’s items with a reminder and medical information in case of an emergency. These labels are a great way to remind your child’s caregiver, teacher, daycare, ect that your child has a food allergy.
Labeling Your Child’s Items Can Help Your Child Easily Identify Their Items If They are Lost or Stolen
As you are getting your child’s school supplies ready for back to school, don’t forget to label their items so that your child can easily identify their belongings and if they are lost they can easily be returned to your child. Labels can help identify your child’s lost or stolen property. If you child has to take expensive items like calculators, electronics, or cell phones always keep a written copy of the serial number in a safe spot at home. This information could be very helpful for proving that the item belongs to your child and it can be used to file a police report.
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Do you label all of your child’s belongings? If so, how do you label their belongings?